Poll: Should NJ Allow All Lawful Citizens to Carry Guns?
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Can someone plz explain why it should not be allowed?
I don’t understand – the US Constitution ALREADY allows this right to every citizen in the Bill of Rights….what exactly does this proposed law add?
The bad folks already carry so would only have upside
Truth…. this law would make NJ less communist like. It woild make this state more open and free. Currently NJ law is setup to make it almost impossible for an average law abiding citizen to carry – even though the US Constitution guaranteed our right to carry the liberal politicians in our great state decided to interpret the law in a manner fit for Hilary…..not real Americans. Hopefully (though I really doubt this law will get anywhere in our state) this is the beginning to a greater future for our state. Gun control has it all wrong. Gun control does nothing to prevent criminals from obtaining guns. If criminals are prancing around our state shooting and comitting murder it only makes sense to allow law abiding citizens to carry as well. I don’t mind the background checks, fingerprinting etc…. better be safe than sorry…..but it’s about time for common sense laws. It’s funny how gun control does absolutely nothing and how political nutcases use it to get votes from people who are clueless about the facts. I am a proud gun owner and a proud NRA member. If your law abiding I suggest you arm yourselves as well. The way things are going in this crazy world it may be a good idea to join the bandwagon.
I hope that this law passes