Poll: Do You Think The Proposed New School Schedule Is A Good Idea?

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  1. The idea that here in America where we rely so much on state services for so many of our children we could even ask such a question is a slap in the face to our community.

    Tuition is hard enough to pay now we want parents to cough up more money for child care when the children should have been in school?

    Are the Yeshivos paying us back or not collecting the full tuition since they are cutting the school year?

    Are the schools adding a month of tuition next year since they are adding to the school year?

    Is anyone paying our Rabbeim and teachers for the income they will lose by not being able to take their summer jobs?

    Is anyone paying the transportation bill for the days not covered by the state?

    Is anyone providing the special needs children with the care they get daily on state funded school days?

    Do I need to go on? This is just irresponsible and can only be the suggestion of (moderated)with no connection or understanding of Chinuch or of the system we are in with the help (even if it is not much) we get from the government. (moderated) However in the state of NJ in the country of USA when there is a system in place for schools, jobs, services and so much more this is a terrible idea.

  2. Being that changing the schedule effects peoples parnasssah and many other things, I don’t believe this is a matter for a public referendum rather it should be presented by the roshei ha’ir to the gedolai Yisroel and let them decide.

  3. Thousands of childrens chinuch regarding yomim noraim etc should trump the couple hundred of rebbeim and teachers hardship, every job has its up and downs and children should come first. I still think it should be asked to the gedolim but from laymans view I don’t care about my lost tuition etc its more impt that my children should know about Yom tov etc and one month of summer ismore than enough for them

  4. Calm down. The year will b EXACTLY the same amount of days. No extra daycare needed
    If it ends earlier, camp starts earlier and school starts earlier. Why is that so hard to understand?
    Just the busing is a little tricky as busing is not available til labor day.
    You may actually have to drive your kids to school three weeks earlier OY

  5. What’s going to end up happening is that lakewood will be on a different schedule then the rest of the jewish population (i.e. brooklyn and beyond) and then people will be upset that thier kids cant go to camp ect.

  6. It’s not the first time that Yom Tov is not the same as the Goyishe schedule. Never has the school year changed. Noone is stopping any Yeshiva Gedola from starting Elul -so why are they concerned about the Chedorim?!?! This IMHO is called being Poiretz Geder.

  7. just 1 small issue.

    its the law to have 180 day school year. if you end early you will not have enough days.

    You want gov. funding you have to follow the rules. (moderated).

  8. This is the system set in place for all school systems outside the east coast. The public school systems run this way as well. There is an added benefit for Yiddishe children to be in school for Elul and not sitting at home or in daycare waiting for the Heilige Labor Day to pass. This idea is most definitely a good one for not only the Yiddishe schools but the public schools as well. We have frum influence on the BOE. What are we waiting for?

  9. to #5 OY
    It is a major problem to not have busing for 3 weeks. Many of us would love to take our children every day but it is not practical with all different age children and genders and many many working parents. The congestion on the streets is unbearable already especially on snow or legal holidays. It is not practical to forfeit 3 weeks of busing. If you were talking about a couple days, it’s one thing but not 3 weeks. Let’s look at the WHOLE picture

  10. so they wont learn about rosh hashana next year. The older kids know and the younger kids just wont learn this year about it…..send the songs and copied coloring pages for the kids to color at home.
    If the families keep rosh hashana properly, then there wont be such a loss this year.

  11. The comments are summer than dumb. Noone is proposing LESS school days, just start and end earlier. And if Lakewood does it, since all the camps are intertwined with lkwd. The camps and NY schools will follow suit. Its either all or nothing. GEE WHIZ people!

  12. You have to figure that most people who are here now on the Internet will vote no to changing the school schedule. And as much as I am guilty of being on the Internet too, I still want the policy in this town to be dictated by Bnei Torah who are on a higher madreiga than I am. Not as I think we have been going lately where trends seem to be set by the lowest common denominator.

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