POLL: Do you agree with the Supreme Court Gun Control Ruling?
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So hard to believe that only 76% of our community agree with the ruling…
Crime rates in NJ show that the laws haven’t stopped criminals from getting guns, all they’ve done is stopped law-abiding citizens from getting guns. Remember, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is with a good guy with a gun. Let’s get more good guys with guns out on the streets!
Yet our askanim and vaad still enforce these liberal morons for a couple of bucks SAD!!!
STOP VOTING BLUE! and let us all protect ourselves in today’s dangerous times.
This is what the research shows: 54% of gun homicides in the US are acts of suicide to oneself. States with loose gun laws like Wyoming have the highest gun homicide rates because gun owners kill themselves so often. Wyoming also has the lowest gun murder rate which could be because they have more private gun ownership or because there’s no inner city there.
So looser gun laws equal higher homicides in general because of suicide but lower murders. Stricter gun laws equal lower homicides overall with fewer suicides but a higher murder rate.
We can’t really compare state to state because it’s the inner cities that are driving the murder rate & they may need strict gun laws to stop people from killing each other. Imagine walking in an inner city where every 18 year old would have a concealed gun, every block would have dead bodies on the corner. Some societies in the US should not have easy access to guns. I’m Ok with this in Ocean County, not in Newark or Trenton, etc.
The poll question is totally wrong! Even If I believe we need stricter gun laws, I still think it’s against the constitution.
(You can amend it if you have the vote)
I just don’t get why this whole thing became such a irrelevant argument.
agree, only 76 voted the right way, so sad
I agree with Sam. I may personally prefer stricter gun control laws nationwide, but my preferences do not change the fact that the second amendment is in the Constitution. The Supreme Court is not there to enact legislature, and should not be a political body (aside from maybe differing beliefs in a strict or loose constitutional interpretation). When courts and judges are there to rule based on their personal biases and beliefs instead of based on the law, everyone loses. There is a legislative body, but the Supreme Court isn’t it. If people want to change the Constitution, there’s a way to do it. Ignoring it is not the answer.