Police today have already ticketed dozens of drivers for talking on the cellphone while driving. Police say the blitz is part of a crackdown on cellphone violations, in an effort to make the roads of Lakewood safer for drivers and pedestrians alike. Police tell TLS the blitz will also be conducted one day next week.
Most of the tickets issued today were for infractions which took place along Route 9. TLS.
job well done about time know you will here crying
It’s about time! That is the reason there are so many accidents. For those who love using their cell phones while driving they need to buy Bluetooth, etc……I make sure I have mine when I’m driving. Many drivers while on their cell phones eat stop signs and red lights unbelievable…..Monmouth County also is getting tough on cell phone usage while driving. Hooray for Lakewood!
That explains why I saw so many cars pulled over the whole day on rt 9…….
Outstanding job by the LPD. I have to say its about TIME>>>>>
is this a moving violation ?
do this everyday.
how do we ticket a cop talking or texting.
It’s hard for me to read everyone’s excitement when my wife just called me to say that she got a ticket. Anyone know what this is going to cost me?
I see people on the phone every day while driving Now maybe they will get the message when it hits them in the pocketbook !
about every 2 nd cop in this town is on his cell
Yea so I guess these cops need 2 give themselves tickets cause they always on the phone…
Well next time make sure she doesn’t talk on the phone while driving!
When will people realize how dangerous it is?!!!!
I agree with most posters here… It’s about time…….. and yes how do we ticket the cops who are on the phones while driving. I see it every day just as much as the other drivers in Lakewood.
It’s about time. Almost hit today when I stoped at a stop sign by a women on her cell. As for the stupid comments about police: that’s their job, and how do you know who they are talking to. Stay off your phones like I do when I’m driving so I can’t cause you harm. If you can’t, pull over to talk. It’s really not that difficult. Also, take a look at all the accidents/deaths in Lakewood. We’re a joke to other counties. I hear it all the time.
all the cops are talking on the phone and driving ! its just another way to make money.
So if a police officer is doing what appears to be illegal, does that give you the authority to break the law as well? If you see a Jew breaking shabbos, does that mean you can start breaking shabbos too? This logic is beyond ridiculous! Stop being so concerned about what the next guy is doing. Start following the rules, because it’s the law, and the safe thing to do.
For all of you who want to ticket the police just note the car number and time and go to the police window. There you can write a ticket to the cop as you say you want to do. Then you have to go to court and testify on what you saw. Do us all a favor, go write the ticket or shut up and hang up your won phone. A LPD cop!
I was one of those drivers that got a ticket today! I apologized profusely to the police officer for answering my phone, however the officer seemed not to care. This sounds like a way for the town to extort money from drivers!
Talking on the phone while driving is against the law. Ticketing drivers is not a way to make money,it is a way to make the highways safer. People in this town have to learn they are not above the law as some believe. If making calls are that important make them before you leave home or let your voice box pick them up and return them later. Every call can’t be that important.
This is not extortion. I ask you, who is breaking the law texting while driving? It’s not always us vs them. With the amount of accidents, struck pedestrians and overturned vehicles on a weekly basis – so much so it’s hardly news anymore – something had to be done. Yasher Koach.
I am sorry for the inconvenience and expense of a traffic ticket. Do the right thing – get a bluetooth or put the phone down while driving.
Police officers on duty are except from the cell phone law.
To “Girl”
Just because you apologized doesn’t mean you wont get punished. As for the town “extorting money” from it’s drivers – don’t break the law, and they wont have to ticket you. Simple as that. Next time, don’t put everyone else’s life at risk, and start following the rules of the road.
Let me ask you a question: You say you are sorry for talking/texting while driving – does this mean you will NEVER do it again? If you apologize with the intent to do the same thing again in the future, that is the antithesis of a TRUE apology.
Girl- so if you were speeding and a cop gave you a ticket, would that be extorting? if you ran a red light and got a ticket, would that be extorting? grow up and take responsibility for your actions. you broke the law and were given a ticket for it pure and simple. to say its a way for the town the extort money is absolutely ridiculous.
Cop cars got a radio, computer and the cop has a walky-talky on his belt. Why does he have to talk on a cell phone on duty?
They need the phones because everyone in this town can listen to the radios ..so Us having them call in for information gets it to them from US THE LPD DISPATCHERS, and I don’t have 15 people running around the town before they get to an accident, a fire or any other serious calls..Because the minute you we get a call someone is telling us its wrong on the phone and I can hear the radios in the background. It drives me crazy..So whatever way I can hear my officers and keep them safe I will do..So stop Complaining and get off your cells..I saw a woman the other day on her phone sitting in traffic and she then made a right turn without looking ..I was in my personal vehicle and almost got hit because she was too busy on her phone talking to whomever
There are plenty enough reasons for a cop to talk on the phone. Did u ever hear of police scanners? What if something wasn’t important enough to be said over the radio and rather than jam the air they use the phone? Although they should pull over, sometimes it just isn’t feasible.
The 4 point ticket may hurt financialy now, but save your life later
You roll the dice you pay the price
With the amount of money spent on technology in cop cars you would think they would be able to afford have bluetooth installed… It’s only a couple hundred $ from CSO.
While I do agree just because a cop is doing something it doesn’t mean we can all do it… but it certainly sets a bad example.
#8, I’m very sorry to hear that you got a ticket. I know what that’s like 🙁
I don’t know how much it costs exactly, but I think it’s around $135 for a first violation.
However, depending on where your wife got pulled over on Rt. 9, it may be double that, since Rt. 9 is labled as a “Safe Corridor” so all tickets there are doubled (Safe Corridor is just another way for township to say revenue).
If she got pulled over before High St., than it’ll be whatever it costs. If she got pulled over after High St., than it’ll be double that, since the “safe corridor” begins after High St. (there’s a sign that says it if you look on Rt. 9 going S or N).
Again, I’m really sorry to hear that she got pulled over 🙁 my heart goes out to the hole in your pocket. Next time, she should put the phone on speaker, and keep it on her lap (though, this isn’t the best, since the other party might have a hard time hearing her). That way, the cops won’t see her talking on it. Or another idea is to get one of those black boxes that tell you when a cop is within the vincinity, and then she can adapt her phone call accordingly.
Good luck! 😀
I just hope they give the cops enough ticket books to last the shift. Stay safe and keep us safe.
Why are these valid excuses for cops to be on cellphones? What happened to a bluetooth?
At the same time that we are to daven for the stability of government and its laws as it keeps the peace of the land,we should not lose perspective.
The concept of Chesed is a jewish one.
As Dovid Hamelech writes in Tehilim- ” Vchesed Leumim Chatos”. (R’ Avigdor Miller Ztzal quoted this often)
Chesed is a holy trait that we have exclusive rights to.
There is no good heartedness involved in ANY laws.
All motives other than true caring drives all laws and the like.
The lines of kedusha versus tumah may never be blurred.
Its a desecration to Kedushas Yisroel to write or think otherwise.
I just looked it up on line. There are no points assesed for this ticket.
If the comments were’nt so patheticically immature and downright stupid as in dangerous stupid it would be funny as in ridiculous funny. Love the Bluetooth ones. Like officers in blue? What’s next, a tailor recommendation or hairstyle? Leave the policing to the police who know what the best tools are.
Please stop looking and questioning the police and how they act, should act or could act. Ladies holding their phones with an open hand (trying to hide the phone) are what cause accidents PERIOD! When was the last time a LPD car caused an accident????????
Cited from the NJ MVC website:
“Operating any motor vehicle requires the motorist’s full attention. In many cases, collisions are caused by a distracted motorist. Inattentive motorists often tailgate, go too fast or drift out of their lanes. They ignore traffic signs and signals, road markings, potential traffic hazards, road conditions and other vehicles.”
In this case, using a cellular phone is considered a major distraction to motorists. Disregarding this law puts precious lives at risk.
If you neglect to pay this fine, or appear in court to contend the ticket, you can get your driver’s license suspended. If caught driving while in suspension, you will be fined another $250.
It’s actually pathetic the othe way around! Its pathetic that an officer whos job is to hold up the law so brazenly disregards it! I don’t care if an officer never in history caused a crash, an officer of the law must keep the law. Period. Imagine a Rabbi who doesn’t keep the Torah preaching about Torah!
Besides, its difficult to believe know the best way to police know the best way to police when they flaunt their own laws! Its difficult to trust and respect officers of law that don’t keep their own laws!
In general I believe there is nothing more dangerous about driving in lakewood then passing by a spot where some one is getting a ticket the way the pollice just stop people with their car sticking out half way into the road or smack in the midle of an intersection with their lights on that are so bright and blind drivers for a half a mile is the most dangerous thing I can think about driving a lot worse then a guy talking on his cell or g-d forbid going 36mph in a 35 mph zone besides that the cops are the most dangerous drivers of all the way they speed go through red lights for no reason or tail gate
To: Proud Orthodox Jew
A Proud Orthodox Jew does not throw complaints against the Lakewood Police dept. through the internet and without writing your name. You represent yourself and that is it. You have no right to claim that you represent the Proud Orthodox Jews. By the way are you jewish? What is your name? Maybe you should say Thank You to the LPD for all the good things that they do.
to a proud lakewood resident says:
just stay off the phone when behind the wheel and don’t worry about the LPD doing their job .
The MVC website says, “Motorists are permitted to use a hands-free cellular telephone if it does not interfere with any federally required safety equipment or with the safe operation of the vehicle.”
But then it goes on to state, “Motorist may not use a handheld or
hands-free cellular telephone, or any other handheld electronic device, when behind the wheel.
My question is – Is it legal or illegal to use hands-free devices such as bluetooth? Which one is it? It can’t be both.
I think the first offence for talking on the phone is $200.00 if your caught the second time it could be a high as $400.00 and jail time
Totally agree with # 16 you hit it on the head, be concern about wht u are doing, just do the right thing urself, we all reap wht we sow it’s the word of God. Stop making excuses for the wrong and live a life tht is righteous as it should be, we have so much to say about the next guy, wht about you, wht are you doing, thts why we have laws in place to ensure the safety of people and to curtail the wrong doing, will we get everyone no, but sooner or later you will get caught, will you remember all the times tht You got away with it, no u won’t u will just start blaming others and looking at wht they did or didn’t do wow we as a people need to get it together for our selves. You just do the right thing and stop rolling out on the stop signs tht needs to be the next invention to take care of
on the phone and driving, you get a ticket.
Keep writing those tickets. You may save a life. Stay off the phone. The life you save may be your own.
I was rear ended by a young woman who was texting. If I wasn’t stopped at the light, would’ve gone onto the highway where cars were going 50mph or more. She said she always “multi-tasks” I told her it’s hard to do from a casket or wheelchair. I was behing a male on the GSP the other day. He was in the left lane going below the speed limit. Cars where passing him on the right. He was one the cellphone. I blew my horn as I passed. He was oblivious. The smart person gets a bluetooth. The smarter person doesn’t talk on the phone while driving. The parent who talks or text with children in the car should be charged with child endangerment. Good job LPD. Keep it up. We can balance the budget on the backs of lawbreaker.
Which statute says that police officers are exempt from the cell phone law ?
39:4-97.3 Use of hands-free wireless telephone in moving vehicle; definitions; enforcement.
1. a. The use of a wireless telephone by an operator of a moving motor vehicle on a public road or highway shall be unlawful except when the telephone is a hands-free wireless telephone, provided that its placement does not interfere with the operation of federally required safety equipment and the operator exercises a high degree of caution in the operation of the motor vehicle.
b. The operator of a motor vehicle may use a hand-held wireless telephone while driving with one hand on the steering wheel only if:
(1) The operator has reason to fear for his life or safety, or believes that a criminal act may be perpetrated against himself or another person; or
(2) The operator is using the telephone to report to appropriate authorities a fire, a traffic accident, a serious road hazard or medical or hazardous materials emergency, or to report the operator of another motor vehicle who is driving in a reckless, careless or otherwise unsafe manner or who appears to be driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A hand-held wireless telephone user’s telephone records or the testimony or written statements from appropriate authorities receiving such calls shall be deemed sufficient evidence of the existence of all lawful calls made under this paragraph.
As used in this act, “hands-free wireless telephone” means a mobile telephone that has an internal feature or function, or that is equipped with an attachment or addition, whether or not permanently part of such mobile telephone, by which a user engages in a conversation without the use of either hand; provided, however, this definition shall not preclude the use of either hand to activate, deactivate, or initiate a function of the telephone.
“Use” of a wireless telephone shall include, but not be limited to, talking or listening to another person on the telephone.
c. Enforcement of this act by State or local law enforcement officers shall be accomplished only as a secondary action when the operator of a motor vehicle has been detained for a violation of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes or another offense.
d. A person who violates this section shall be fined no less than $100 or more than $250.
e. No motor vehicle points or automobile insurance eligibility points pursuant to section 26 of P.L.1990, c.8 (C.17:33B-14) shall be assessed for this offense.
f. The Chief Administrator of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission shall develop and undertake a program to notify and inform the public as to the provisions of this act.
39:4-97.4 Inapplicability of act to certain officials.
2.The prohibitions set forth in this act shall not be applicable to any of the following persons while in the actual performance of their official duties: a law enforcement officer; a member of a paid, part-paid, or volunteer fire department or company; or an operator of an authorized emergency vehicle.
Section C of the previous post was amended in 2007 to a primary offense.
# 49 guess you should have read the entire statute and not just not what you wanted to see. Bottom line, hang up and drive, stop texting, and you cannot hold your phone away from your head and talk. Lakewood is a target rich environment……….happy hunting
wish they do it on the parkway
we are launching if the car is moving, then the phone will turn off. oops did we hit a nerve? Cell phones were only replaced by pay phones as a convenience and for emergencies. We are no longer only talking on cell phones, we are emailing, texting and most of all taking a chance on someone elses life. Which could be your own family. Please think about really what is that important. Cell phones are like a drug addiction, except we have a choice to put it down. You are in control of that law.
I agree that i should not have been on the phone. However, I have a clean record, im a professional, with a clean driving record. I picked up a phone call for one second while i was stopped waiting for traffic. Again, i find it amazing, that due to the horrific driving that occurs on said road the county has declared same a “safe corridor”. I will pay my fine however, i will say that the township is profiting from same.