Police investigating vicious assault in Lakewood [CAUGHT ON VIDEO – VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED]

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My goodness. How many people just standing there doing nothing!!
Shut down liquor store at night and the steeet will not be full of thugs or drunks. Open carrying bottles is illegal. Start with fining tge store owner and forcing earlier closures if crimes tKe place within 50-100 feet of liquor stores if such acts occur. Most of the peopke just stood by and let the beating continue.
This town is getting worse and worse.
Cannot believe the people just sitting around as if NOTHING is going on!!! What kind of.community is this?
It’s appalling to watch them all stand around. Especially the guy sitting there in front of them. Didn’t even turn around!! Bizarre!
May God send him a speedy recovery.
We are in 2021 and the Police station is only 200 feet from that vicious assault, it is a surprise that the Police did not hear the screaming.
Maybe we can ask the Federal government when they finalize the 2 trillion dollar package for Covid-19 relief, if they can please allocate .00001% to Lakewood to set up cameras for 2nd St.. We are talking about 1 block away from the Police station, maybe they should monitor that area.
Yes this town is getting worse but why fine the store owner? He doesn’t have control of people’s stupidity once they walked out of the store. So that means that it’s right to fine every and each store owner when people walks inside the store not wearing a mask even when there’s a sign telling people to wear one? Cause a lot of people just walked in stores not wearing any types of facial covering when there’s signs all over so we’re going to punished the owner cause people basically don’t care about others?
not to mention whomever was filming it…
Um… not sure I’d want to intervene. Especially if I am an obviously looking Orthodox Jew. I’d just get us both beaten up. Since there is no sound on this video, we don’t know if the person filming it ACTUALLY did something and called the cops.
@lakewoodscoop. Please post view discretion advised. These images may be disturbing. As any news outlet would, let alone a Jewish site. Not everyone needs to be exposed to violent videos.
Liquor stores are “essential”. How could someone suggest closing early? Mr Pepin, fyi when they feel like it, they do punish store owners for the fact that customers aren’t wearing masks.
We have nothing to worry, the state troopers will be all over yeshiva area only
I like that guy leaning on the pole facing the camera. Like, nothing worth seeing here boss just a regular day in the neighborhood.
Unreal how humans can sit there as a guy is pummeled and beaten up as if he is waiting for a bus. The guys watching are as bad as the guy beating him up in my eyes.
I mean, like, Hello ? Guys ? Do you see or hear ur fellow human getting pummeled right in front of you? Anybody ?
Anyone, anyone ?? It’s 20= seconds till anyone thinks about intervening.
By you posting it, it just causes fear in ppl! What do you gain by it?
why are you posting this if kids check this site out?
What kind of silly comment is that.
A human being got hurt. We should all try our best to help him to recover.