JUST IN: VIDEO (Updated 1:45 p.m.) Police have just dismantled the Farmers Market, saying it does not have a permit, TLS has learned. Just as vendors set up their stands kicking off the second week of the fruit market, Police ordered them to take down the stands and leave the area. U/D: 10: 35 a.m. About 5 Officers approached the organizers saying they were instructed by the Inspection Department to dismantle the market.
The market has been dismantled and all farmers and vendors have left the area.
The market was located in the Muster Zone, at the corner of Route 9 and 1st Street, originally designated for Day Laborers seeking work.
It is about time action is taken in this lovely town.
LPD ! go after real criminals .leave us alone already . its getting scary
correction ‘police’ not Please
Once again, Lakewood Twp. is oblivious to state law.
(The first time? The right turn only on Rt. 9 fiasco.)
But daylaborers on Clifton can’t be touched. I guess they have permits. Bunch of gov’t hogwash!
to #3
I guess you want special treatment! We are picking on you? The laws are for everyone except YOU! Sure glad you don’t run the LPD you would have them pick and choose what laws to enforce.
Get your facts straight. By order of the INSPECTION Department, not the POLICE Department.
From what I understand police just stood by while the Inspection Dept. made the decision to dismantle the Farmers Market. The police department does not issue permits.
i salute hh for everything that he has done for our town. He has only tried to make our town a better place for us to live in. The township on the other hand has only tried to destroy anything that hh has done for us, as u see in this case. Im not gonna say names but whoever is trying to ruin good things should stop and recognize what hh is trying to accomplish.
Doesn’t any get the picture here. This is a classic bully tactic orchestrated by Bob Singer ordering Mike Sacamano of the inspection dept. To take it down!! Why? Look who organized this farmers market.. None other than Hershel Herskowitz!!! Now connect the dots….
we should all use this as a campaign issue and elect hh with a write in vote.
in addition anyone who is in town and is able to be at the next township meeting should go and make a stand
I heard from a reliable source, that this was done becouse HH did not get a permit.
If he would have gone for a permit it would have been denied anyways, so tell your source it wouldn’t have helped.
This is to get back at HH, they are afraid of him and will try to destroy him where ever he goes or does.
What a shame that they have to retort to this type of harassment.
Whom did it bother? A Muster Zone for Illegal’s is ok? But for a few hard working legal American farmers to come sell their stuff is a terrible thing, plus we get good fruit for a good price, a win win for everyone.
why did thay stop it didint steve langert give his approvel
This smells political. The inspection department/PD knew this wa going to take place and on the day of the market they suddenly show up to make a noise. Disrupt it, disappoint the public and kill an idea. Way to go political nitwits.
To 15: i was told that you complained about it. Is it not true?
HH is no fool. He knew that there was an excellent chance that Lakewood’s inspection department would follow orders and shut down the farmer’s market. But now he has it on video. And when you see pictures of this and compare it to a video of Clifton Ave not getting cleaned up–well, I think HH has a powerful ad here.
the numbers of the posts are messed up. it is now number 16 that i was reffering too, it was 15 before.
Easy for
H H to bring in a farmers market and take away parnossah from other stores let’s see what he would do if somebody set up a market for toys? He would have it shut down in a heartbeat.
At this point I would rather vote for Martha, than for The disHonorable Singer.
I was looking forward to going and getting some good deals since I missed it last week. What did the vendors have to say when they were told to leave? This is SO political! Even during the 9 days we can’t have shalom. So sad.
I wonder how many other neighboring farmers markets have these issues? isn’t it amazing that for this issue, we have such quick and prompt police response?
For everything else, there is a lengthy political process to get things done. But apparently, the red tape has been removed for this farmers market.
Something is just not right.
Maybe they can have the market in some other location, not right in the middle of town.
Im glad they got that dumb market out of the muster zone. it was preventing me from finding illegal work.
I heard that the police told Hershel that they think this is a great thing to have and that it’sstupid to call the police to send them away.
I am happy it was closed down. W hy should all the local produce stores suffer so HH can revive a dead horse?
Fruts and veggies are perishablest and will now get ruined. This was a terrible judgement call by the police.
I vote for HH in November.
Thank you LPD!!! no one is above the law! even though some think so.
what about people who lived here there whole lives in quiet wooded areas. now we have schools in are not so quiet residential areas we fought but it did no good. And you think just because you cant sell fruit is bad. Stinks when the shoe is on the other foot.
Yes! The law is not written for all. Ignore those that broke into this country coddle them by giving them a muster zone at the taxpayers expense where they can seek employment that they nor the employer pay taxes on, then dismantle a farmers market because it doesnt have permits. While 2 wrongs dont make a right there is injustice here. No documents, NO business! Documents include proper papers to be in this country, and documents (permits) to have a farmers market. Clear them all out till things are done legally! While I like having a farmers market here, the organizers should have followed proper procedure. There is a right way and a wrong way to do things and wrong should never be rewarded.
If this would have been a project initiated by Singer, the inspection dept. Would have bent over backwards and issued a permit today. Instead we have filthy politics and hard working American Farmers , and other vendors waste a lot of time and money.
But he who laughs last laughs best!!!
Isn’t the inspection department closed on Sunday?!?!?!?!?
You had a good thing going here- it looked like the muster zone worked for a few hours and actually gave illegals jobs right there! Too bad the inspections dept. closed a good thing. It wasn’t hurting anyone! Only helping the Jersey economy!
he never applied for a permit . He knew this was going to happen . Imagine if every yungerman started opening a flea maeket on township property withou a permit .
WOW!!! I’m impressed with the Concern and Speed which the Bldg. Dept. (on a Sunday,triple overtime)saved the good citizens of Lakewood from this Blatant Illegal Operation. Probably a Health Hazard to boot! Now if only the bldg. dept. would put some effort into the Countless homes that are now illegal ROOMING homes. Nah! Farm Stands are much worse and on a higher political agenda.
I thought in the muster zone laws don’t apply.
Now Lakewood can pick and choose which laws to enforce?
Farmers market no -no permit!
Day laborers – yes – illegal alien no problem.
This is the NJ we live in.
i heard the fruit were MADE In USA and NOT IMPORTED FROM MEXICO therebye using the MUSTER zone for what it was not intended for.
It was not a secret that there is going to be a farmers market there on sunday, so WHY couldn’t they notify last week that a permit is needed and will be enforced even on sunday when inspection dept. Is closed? Why waste extra tax payers money on overtime for sunday when a simple letter or even just a phone call last week would have done the same think witnout the lost of tax payers and farmers money???
Maybe Steven Langert never gave approval
Singer has my vote in November!!!!!
The TWSP cost the farmers a lot of time and $$, when the farmers came down & set up shop. & THEN ordering them out. The twsp knew about it last week, why couldn’t they tell the organizers to stop it ? But NO, they like to torture ppl, even farmers. Good thing the farmers don’t have an Eruv on their property. They wouldve sent Hornick to tear that down, too.
This is a nerve ! Every town occasionally hosts a Farmers Market. But here ? No. & it wasn’t Mike Sacamano’s doing. Anyone who was involved in construction or REal Estate for the last few years in Lkwd knows Mike. He’s a very normal , nice guy. Somebody ordered him to do this. They never take s/thing down w/ Police unless its a Hazard, which this was NOT. They should have given them a warning & cancelled it for next week. Or they should move it next week to a place which is not w/in 3 blocks of Lakewood Orchard, Nicks, & lkwd fruit, on corner of Clifton& 4th.
Singer doesn’t have my vote in November
If they had just gotten a permit this wouldn’t have happened! Follow the law it applies to everyone! I think it’s funny that last week people were posting that it was a terrible idea to have a farmers market. Now everyone is crying foul because it was shut down??
I have seen many hispanics arounf Lakewood during the summer months standing on corners, on second street, in vacant lots, etc. selling drinks, food, and slushes out of shopping carts. I have observed one in particular on second st by Kings Rx and NEVER has an officer or inspector asked them to move or close. Where is Hornack when you need him.
They should make the market on someone’s private property (with permission , of course). Would that be illegal?
No permit, no market, it is as simple as that. The town has every right to shut down this market. Why should these farmers be permitted to use township property to make a profit without first obtaiing a permit? I would bet that these farmers are not even from Lakewood. In addition, with so many fresh fruit and veggie locations within the downtown area, why oh why is hh pushing for this market? Why is someone trying to put these hard working people out of business?
To #51 lakewood taxpayer
its a very good think for all the people who get farmers checks from wic that could not be used in any local fruit store and untill now they needed to travel outside lakewood in order to spend this checks! And right now they were able to use this checks without any need to travel! So it was win win for both and it was NOT a lost for the local fruit stores that could not accept this checks anyway,
and if the law bothers you, why don’t u crack down on all the illegals that are in the same parking lot, and why couldn’t they notify last week that a permit is needed, before all the money to set it up is spend?
maybe they can move it to the Lakewood Blueclaws where they had a flea market today. Do they have a permit? Maybe not, the Blueclaws would probably charge you $3.00 to park to go shop when they start seeing all the shoppers.
some think the laws are for everyone else and they are above that , what nonsense . we cannot pick and choose which laws we want to adhere to .Good job LPD
all those permit sticklers out there: can you honestly think there was no political agenda in tearing down this market? someone please spell it out. “there was no political agenda” I want to hear you say it. The next thing you tell me. they’ll start selective targeting of private homes who hire illegal cleaning help. yeah lets find out if singer ever hired an illegal cleaning lady.
honestly: you guys are fools.
every trailer selling hotdogs on the side of the road???
It would have been nice to offer the farmers on site permits. Maybe just for this season at a reasonable fee. The permits could have said “Sunday use only” as not to compete with sorounding stores.
This just makes hershel stronger and all his foes look like cry baby’s
I need my Zuccinis
where do I get my farmes check,need 1
41 good point
Listen guys , can it be quiet for little bit ? At least for bain hazmanim
I never heard of such stupidity. Anyone with brains knows an outdoor market is a boon to a town economy. Herskowith thought of it so they need to fight it. They are threatened by everything he does because he is smarter than them. What a shame we have to suffer with such fools when we could have had him as our mayor. There has to be a way to get this guy in there.
Gee, I hope Sunday mass wasn’t disrupted for some during this horrific crime!
Hersh, let’s get that recall rolling!!
Can someone please explain to me the write in procedure for hershkowitz?
to sell corn in the open every day cooked food is fine everyone is aware of it. The ice cream men are also ok prepared food no license and they stand on the sidewalk and they block your path that’s fine. A farmers market something actually positive that will have a positive impact on this town and that’s what they choose to close down in such a demeaning way . Look how many cars and police were there almost like the Agri Raid. Now the Agri raid was forced by peta. Who pushed this one?
Where do I get a permit to sell drugs and guns on the street? It must be easy with so many of these vendors around