To the Honorable Patrick Colligan: As a resident of New Jersey, I have the utmost respect for the PBA and appreciation towards your hard work as its President.
New Jersey’s men and women in blue are among the finest and bravest that our great state has to offer. They are the public servants who put their lives on the line every day to protect us and our children. They are fortunate to have an organization such as yours that provides them with all the resources and support they could ever need.
Hence, I am writing to you with a heartfelt plea: Please terminate the PBA’s association with Robert Nixon, who currently serves as Director of Government Affairs.
In recent weeks, a trove of disturbing information has surfaced, exposing Mr. Nixon, who serves as a Jackson Township Councilman, as a man who abuses his government position in order to make life miserable for Orthodox Jews in Jackson and nearby. His obsession with locating and reporting Jews who peacefully assemble in homes reached such absurd levels that Jackson’s Business Administrator pleaded with him to stop, explaining that his focus on these gatherings is hindering law enforcement’s ability to crack down on drug dens and other dangers to public safety.
Emails released as a result of an OPRA request also reveal that Mr. Nixon aggressively battled Jackson’s own respected Police Chief, Matthew Kunz, aiming to prevent him from interacting with Lakewood’s former Police Chief Bob Lawson and the Lakewood Civilian Safety Watch (LCSW), a diverse volunteer organization that enjoys an incredible relationship with local law enforcement. In his zealous aim to block out the Orthodox elements of the LCSW, Mr. Nixon tried impeding in the work of local law enforcement and furiously pushed back against the judgment of the local Chief. He even ignored the warnings of the Township Attorney, who explained that his interference is possibly illegal and leaves Jackson’s taxpayer vulnerable to costly lawsuits and punitive expenditures.
Could there be a worse individual to represent the NJ PBA than one who battles police officers on the ground in order to satisfy his vindictive biases?
Mr. Colligan, you understand better than anyone the importance for our state’s law enforcement community to maintain its integrity and the trust it engendered throughout all of our diverse communities. We admire our men and women in uniform, and place so much faith in them as they fulfill their difficult jobs. Maintaining this trust is vital for police officers to be able to effectively perform their duties, backed by the trust and cooperation of the communities they serve.
When you disassociate from Mr. Nixon, it will send a powerful message that the rule of law, and the good judgment of those who enforce it, reign supreme. I can assure you that such a move will earn you immense respect amongst rank and file officers and the communities they serve alike.
Moshe Stefansky
Jackson, NJ
Thank you Moshe and Scoop for this. Enough of the hate. On behalf of all my friends in Jackson, thanks for showing this man that we won’t tolerate his blatant hate. Enough is enough.
I actually stopped giving my yearly (quite large) donation to the state pba as soon as I found out Nixon is associated with them. I encouraged a couple of my associates to do the same.
Hopefully enough people will stop their donations and they’ll just realize it’s just not a good business decision to keep him. I’m meeting with a big client today who give thousands of dollars each year…I’ll have a word with him.
My husband tells me there’s an effort getting underway to replace him on the council. And this is not a jewish group. For the most part, the people in Jackson want to enjoy peace with our neighbors, and we don’t want people with hate representing us in office. Aside from that, what gives Mr. Nixon the right to use MY HARD-EARNED TAX MONEY to get us involved in battles with the law????????? I don’t care if it’s a jewish person or muslim person in office, as long as he wants peace.
Who prints signs? Would like to post them around Jackson.
We’re sick and tired of games and want a normal peaceful life before this hate started. You care about some stupid see-through strings? About people praying to their creator? What has this township become. LIVE AND LET LIVE. THIS IS AMERICA.
Hey Stephanie, you seem like a good candidate, why don’t you run?
All, while there is a lot of focus on Nixon and rightfully so – his removal is not even half the answer – the entire council specifically CALOGERO and Mayor Reina as well are even worse. Replacing him will have a negligible effect at best with the possibility of an even worse representative taking his place. The vast majority of the OPRA docs are correspondence between council admin zoning and Jackson RESIDENTS. What is strangely missing are communications among Council members themselves. I assume that it’s because they communicate through private email/text message bypassing govt channels of communication. Does anybody know how we can subpoena those docs – those are the true “treasure”.
It should be noted that this is not connected to our wonderful local PBA. A great bunch of guys.
Yeah that would be great!
To see what they texting each other about the “Jew Problem”!
We need AG to get involved!
Nixon and others are definitely wrong but it doesn’t justify this smear campaign. This is not the Jewish way to publicly insult, embarrass, and threaten. We can better show our neighbors how wonderful the Jewish people are through kindness.
(Btw our neighbors have called the township on us to inspect our house several times but our permits were in order)
Puleeeze! I’m Jewish in Jackson too, and you’re telling me we have to just sit idly by as this anti-Semite just tramples on us and our American rights?? PLEASE stop talking for everyone affected.
It’s hard to beleive that in 2018 in America such a “person” still sits on any public board.
Very well written letter. On behalf of all residents of Jackson, thank you for saying the Truth.
Stephanie for Councilwoman !
who,s with me ?
Vote Stephanie in!
She’s great as are most people.
We all want to live in peace, and tranquility.