PHOTOS: Yeshivah Tiferes Torah (YTT) Moves into New Campus

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There is no school more amazing than YTT!!! I wish my boys would still be in the yeshiva! We miss it soooo much
mazel tov very nice. I wish they would have made the new building when i was there
What a beautiful building!!!
I am so happy for them, they really deserve to move to such a gorgeous building after all those years on East End Ave.
Looks like there is no heating in the school yet. I see boys sitting in coats and a portable heater.
Rabbi Gelbwachs, you should have koach to lead your Yeshiva until Moshiach comes which we hope will be b’korov and then you will be seated with all the great people because you so well deserve it. I hope you burn that mortgage quickly.
Hatzlacha Rabba to one of the only Real menahalim around in Lakewood who knows of no shtick and teaches in the language that the boys understand instead of being a copycat and confuse the boys with a language they don’t understand Hatzlacha Rabba to the last of the Moheigans
Few schools in the world merit a place in a child’s heart like that of Yeshiva Tiferes Torah. Lakewood and its inhabitants are lucky to live in a town where someone such as Rabbi Gelbwachs resides. The school he has put together, the family in which he leads and the Talmidim whom he has created are a testament to greatness the likes of which occur once in a generation. Hashem should bless this wonderful Menahel and this extraordinary institution.
its not on oak st. its on vine st.