PHOTOS & VIDEO: Gang graffiti has been on the rise over the last few months, and now, off duty police Police officers are using their private time to give back to the community. This morning, PBA Local 71 set out with two crews to battle the graffiti markings, and began cleaning up,
one fence at a time.
“We have the money and the supplies to do it, and we’re not afraid of the gangs”, PBA President Gary Przwosnik tells TLS in a video interview, while off duty Police Officers can be seen in the background painting over the heavily tagged fence on Joe Parker Road this hot Summer morning. “This is one step forward in taking the streets back from the gangs”, he says. “We’re going to keep doing this as long as we have to to show them, you know what, this block doesn’t belong to them, it belongs to the people of the community”.
Other areas included in the cleanup, were School Place and East 5th, Ridge Avenue, Pine Acres, Pine Street and more.
why can’t the people who own the property clean it up themselves?
the community should have banded together and did this instead they complain until someone from the township comes out there and does this while they just sit back and watch? last couple of postings about this they were being thrown under the bus
maybe the people that own/rent the property can’t afford it, maybe they are in fear of retaliation by the gangs that obviously are plaguing the area, there are a million scenarios as to why they occupants of the property haven’t covered it up themselves. why can’t you just be thankful that the police are taking the time out of their PERSONAL TIME off duty to give back to the community. food for thought pubwkr… you do the dishes.
p.s. Thank you Lakewood Police for your service!
You guys are amazing, you make us proud!
Everyone should appreciate what they are doing.
making us proud yet again
LPD- good job guys. and thanks to your kids and anything friends or family that helped.
My only question is- why didnt the property owners come out and help!!?? This reminds me of US soldiers in Iraq doing the job of the Iraqi police, while the Iraqi police sat around not doing anything, just complaining & “to fearful” to stand up to the Taliban.
those are 400 and 5oo thousand dollar homes and they cant afford it?
get real you do my dishes
Gary for President 😉
Thank you PBA local 71!!! What a great way to help Lakewood!
LPD you look great out there thanks for all you do!
Great job guys.
Wow that’s amazing
Wow, great job by the Lakewood Police.. Keep up the good work. To (Mr. or Mrs. “pubwrk”)…. if you looked at the pictures it seems that some of the areas they were painting sure didn’t seem like there were 400 and 500 hundred thousand dollar homes…facts before acts!!! Thank you Lakewood Police Officers.
Thanks so much officers!! Officer Nate Montgomery;it’s always great to see you around.
I have no clue as to why some people always see the negative in a situation. Why gripe about the owner/tenants doing the work…..?? Why can’t we just see the good that these officers are doing on their time that they NORMALLY SPEND WITH THEIR FAMILIES? Do you realize that many of these homes…were vandalized more than once?
“give back to the community” I didnt know the officers took from the community. These officers risk their lives protecting th community and the community better needs to become more appreciative of them. The community should have been out there cleaning up thier own properties too.
to all those complaining that the officers and their family/friends did the clean up: there will always be something to complain about. there is negative and positive in everything. i dont know why the people in these houses didnt clean up the graffiti but hey, they didnt put it there and LPD was nice enough to go out there with friends/family and clean it up! So, lets thank them for going out there and helping the community an extra step and for doing something that isnt part of their job. if you want to complain, u can but why waste ur time?
I would like to thank LPD and all those who helped clean up the graffiti!!!!!!!! Great job!!
I hope you keep this in mind the next time you bash these officer for doing there jobs.
they are lazy people, and wait they well be knocking the pd soon
PHOTOS & VIDEO: PBA Local 71 Police Officers Give Back To The Community [Featured Story]
Theses officer give back to the community every day they but on there uniforn, not just when they are doing something for you.
# 15 you said it the best.
Mr. Conservative nailed it; LPD or any other organization is going to help once, twice- and by the third time stop caring when they see the residents don’t care enough to help themselves.
I commend the LPD for volunteering their time & effort to clean up this disgustin graffiti, I think a much stronger message would have been sent to those who were the perpertraitors had it been a combined effort ofthe LPD and the owners of the property to show unity
lpd ur the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lets support the pba71 and show we care and appreciate they r new jerseys finest
Some of these areas actually were cleaned by the owners, but they just got the grafiti again. U really cant blame them for just leaving it, bec whats the point of going through the expense of cleaning it up if it will be back within 2 weeks?
Try to put yourself in their shoes before throwing accusations
As I wrote above-we owe tremendous gratitude to these officers for doing what they did.
Now in response to some stupid comments: Noone ever knocks officers that do their job. Talk for yourself! We knock and will continue to knock the few rotten apples who ABUSE their job and status. Thankfully there are merely a few such officers. These few ruin it for the rest while officers as the ones in the above news are the true spirit of the LPD. As I said above;some people will ALWAYS see the negative.
My son is a LPD -Officer and i am very proud of what he is doing ,But i am even more proud ,that he took my 2 Granddaughters to help .It is not about Jew -Christian,it is about a Community to show each other what is right to doe
waste of time someone will spray it again
In. NY we get (DOC)Department Of Corrections to bring out prisoners to do the clean up of graffity hwy garbage ley them know if they get caught they will be cleaning it up in the sweltering heat maybe they would think twice
#27- They started doing that here in Lakewood but they are only supposed to do public property. These were on private property but in plain view so they PBA took it upon themselves to volunteer