PHOTOS: The RCCS Live Event – Lakewood Resident Wins $117,226

rccs picking winnerPHOTOS: The RCCS Live Auction ended moments ago, with the Split The Pot reaching a whopping $234,452. The winner of the jackpot, was M.L. of Lakewood NJ, who takes home $117,226, and sharing the other half with RCCS. Congratulations! See photos below of the evening’s highlights.

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  1. EvanAl played unbelievable. I was able to hear some of the show on 107.9. Eli Lax’s guitar solos closing out the show mamesh brought down the house. Or the car, as it were.

  2. Evan Al Rocked ! But, let’s not forget, RCCS is an unbelievably special, precious, smart & extremely important tzedakah. They pay insurance premiums for many cholim, enabling them to get the medical care they need. And, did I mention, Evan Al was sizzling. (Was that shloimie Kohen on sax ??)

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