PHOTOS: The Lakewood Chasuna Halls’ updated Guidelines
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Good should keep them in place until it’s all over
Yasher Koach to all these halls who are doing what’s right! Maybe we should keep things like this permanently. In a related topic, How sad that many people didn’t learn a major lesson during Corona and still want to make extravagant simchos. We keep talking about it and waiting for the day people will change- WAKE UP! we were handed that opportunity this year to make a change! If we don’t react to that chance, then no one can complain about the cost of weddings, real or fake flowers, 3 shaitels instead of 2 or a 20 piece band. The day we realize this and act upon this opportunity, it will be a great zchus for klal yisroel!
It’s really not your business what type of weddings people make! Are you a Navi that you know exactly the lesson that was to be learned!?( Maybe the lesson is that people should be grateful that they can go to simchas and not kvetch about it and complain about how much money people waste! See you can twist it whichever way you want! ) it’s every persons individual cheshbon of the lesson they need to learn stop lecturing people and do your own work on yourself
During Corona, there was a tremendous amount of letters to editor in all frum papers with everyone agreeing to reduce costs. This is most certainly one of the lesson from the fact that simchos could take place in backyards.
p.s. And healthy food should be served, and the sound level should not exceed healthy volumes – there is no need for it, and it can CH”V cause permanent ringing in the ears or hearing loss (and you can’t even enjoy the music like that).
The fact that there needs to be a change in the standards we have for weddings isn’t “something we LEARN from this pandemic” that would necessitate a “Navi” to teach us.
Rather, it is “SELF EVIDENT”!!!
The pandemic just reminds us that it’s doable.
exuse me Zehava! Not everything is about being extravagant. some people have many friends and family that want to participate in a simcha. not to mention that most of the people are reciprocating. there is no reason (before or after Covid) that you shouldnt have as many people as possible participating in simchas chosson v’kallah. Thats not called extravagant.preparing hundreds of portions might be. Chuppah and simchas Chosson vkallah should have no limit. (again,not during covid)
A wedding is a Mitzvah.
For a Mitzvah one spends as money as he can afford. (Think of Esrog Naeh (Should read Lulav Naeh) Talis Naeh, Zizzit Naeh, Sefer Torah Naeh etc)
The fact that the Rats are following the the Rat Race is the Rat’s issue AND should be addressed. But not at the expense of one following in the Derech Hatorah.
What does having family and friends by ur wedding have to do with lavish weddings
Are the halls refunding the baalei simcha for the difference in cost? That would be a big zchus! But from what I’ve inquired the price is about $100 a person which is a pretty extravagant price to pay! The halls are very willing to do this!! Less hours.. less waiters…less food…less services.
Doesn’t seem like we accomplished much!
What about Bar Mitzva’s, vorts, brissim, kiddushim? These are also a spread for COVID…