Since Saturday morning, dozens of emergency personnel – between Police, EMS, LFD, LFA, Hatzolah, LCSW, Chaveirim , Bikur Cholim and others have been staffing the Storm Center at the Office of Emergency Management headquarters to ensure emergency are seamlessly handled for those in need.
“I was there since after Musaf,” one Frum emergency worker told TLS. Once the situation became Pikuach Nefesh, we needed to be there.”
The storm center, the brainchild of Emergency Services Liaison, veteran Hatzolah member Committeeman Meir Lichtenstein, gives personnel the ability to seamlessly work together by actually being in the same room together, and ensuring the proper agency is dispatched for the emergency at hand.
“This is what we envisioned, and it’s working,” Commmitteman Lichtenstein told TLS, while juggling calls inside the storm center.
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Where are the plows
Let’s show some hakoras hatov to the many of our askanim and many from the various agencies that gave of their Shabbos (as this story suggests)and the many hours last night that these individuals spent trying to help out all of us who stayed home (at the advise of officials). Maybe things could have gone a little smoother for some but come on! can’t we show a little appreciation! !
They must be playing solitaire on the computers because nobody was coordinating the snow plows!
They all look very busy but i work today and cant get out of my driveway. I live on a regular street and didnt even hear a snow plow pass by.
Can we get a list or schedule of when and where the plows are going?
Lost work and pay today cant do that again tom!
Did you read the article? It clearly says they were working on EMERGENCY situations …. Getting your driveway plowed in no way constitutes a emergency! That’s not what they were coordinating
Why has the raintree section of Lakewood been ignored. No plows down Newport, Carol Ct, Sean Court, Malibu and the rest of the streets in this development. This proves that this section is a forgotten section of Lakewood….Three persons that I know of could not go to work today. Are they going to be able to tomorrow, not if we don’t get plowed…..
Hey Mosh: Do you consider the fire department volunteers as emergency? If so let me tell you the Township DID NOT plow the fire stations at all, I guess they are NOT considered emergency responders. Go check with PD dispatch and see how many calls they responded to both Paid and Volunteer trucks.
to #6. I don’t live in Lakewood, but I volunteer with the fire dept in a small town in southern ocean county. Guess what? it snowed here too. Furthermore we had one of our members plow out member driveways, as well as the firehouse. This man that plowed also plowed a route to the firehouse for each of those members in case there was an assignment. Yes I believe the township is responsible to plow and dig out the firehouse, the ambulance driveways, and the police station. But those same twp employees also have to plow other streets, and without enough dedicated equipment it becomes difficult. It becomes even more difficult when the citizens of the twp are out on the roads driving. Some had reason to be out there, some didn’t. Many of which had to be rescued by emergency services because they became disabled, even a local police car was disabled,. This puts much more demand on the little amount of equipment. My point, is until the weather event is done and all streets are cleaned, you need to stay home off the roads until clear. Allow space for crews to work. Allow the emergency services to help people with emergencies. A stuck vehicle isn’t an emergency. A police officer getting stuck or into an accident responding to a disabled vehicle is unsafe. These first responders would like to go home to their families also.