A driver lost control of his vehicle and crashed after driving into a deep pothole.
The crash began on Ridge Avenue after the driver went into the approximately 8-inch pothole, then took out a street sign before crashing into a parked vehicle on Gefen Drive, neighbors say.
The driver reportedly suffered a minor injury and was transported to MMCSC.
Police have contact the County to repair the large pothole.
As earlier reported, there have been numerous reports of vehicles damaged by potholes around town.
Just got a blow out in the same spot tonight
The pothole situation is, once again, terrible. After exactly one (1) heavy snow, many streets in our town are, once again, a moonscape and hardly drivable. If the pothole killer can’t fix it properly we need find something that does.
There is a humongous pothole on Williams as cars turn onto Williams from James.
Cars are either swerving dangerously around it or just crunching down into it….
Can we get a text or email to report potholes set up??
I smell a large lawsuit coming….
There’s a really big pot hole on Drake be careful.
Entrance to west gate from central has a large ph
You guys are cute, almost every single street here has a pothole! Crazy. Let them blame now the department of potholes.
No worries cuz Great news township will be getting the pothole killer later this month
Many potholes were never fixed over the summer.
No clue why the township doesn’t make it mandatory for builders when ripping up the streets to build houses to repave the street like most towns do instead of just repatching it up – This is what causes the pot holes all over town
So the dpw is outsourcing plowing, outsourcing potholes, what exactly does the dpw do besides rubbish removal once a week??
How fast was this person going to cause this much damage?? Isnt Gefen a residential area???
They’re waiting it out. Eventually all the potholes will come together and the street will be one long pothole – smooth and flat, just 8 inches lower than the road used to be…
Forget the potholes! On the nicest weather day of the year, the streets of Lakewood are a total disaster. You feel like you are in a Corn Popper when you drive down our streets. It is a total disgrace. Yet, par for the course here.
Park Ave has potholes since last winter- they were never taken care of and its getting out of hand!
we need to make a referendum that we should raise taxes again to fix the pot holes
No need for NASA to send any space rover to Mars; just spend a day in Lakewood – you will have an excellent idea of Mars’ topography without having to spend billions if dollars.
When DPW plow the streets they don’t put the shovel on the ground they shouldn’t make any potholes. it happens anyways!!
#12—–You could do 5 mph -with a pot hole that deep plus the weight of the car will cause major damage