PHOTOS: Opening of new Sprinkles Shop on South Side of Lakewood

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This is so exciting! We can use a store like this on our side of town! It should be with Mazel and hatzlacha!
mazel tov!!! beautiful store!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait to stop by
Delicious cold ice cream on a hot day and yidden making Parnassa is a Kiddush Hashem.
Much Hatzlacha!
wow another beutifull job by yitzi tesser unique builders
I’m so excited.
Mazel tov on your new location, the store looks amazing,
Wow! Yitzy Tesser that’s beautiful store! Great job L40!
Yitzi tesser of unique builders is an amazing, creative, productive, construction maven.
The superb job done at this job is not surprising.
Mazel tov yitzy ur the greatest
Mamash looks amazing great job