One occurred on Route 9 at 3rd Street, one on County Line Road at Hope Chapel, and the overturn on Squankum Road at the railroad tracks.
Route 9 is shut in both directions between First Street and Third Street due to the downed pole, and Squankum Road is shut for the cleanup.
No serious injuries reported in either of the accidents.
All the bochurim running around town
Yup! The Bachurim are home; it’s Crazy! Tonight-Motzei Shabbos I was walking home from Shul & I hear a vehicles engine up the block about to explode, a White new Odyssey minivan rockets down a 25mph block doing atleast 70mph I quickly ran on to someone’s lawn for my life & than he had turned right onto N.Lake Dr. Of which I heard loud screeching from 2 blocks away. I was terrified.
These Bachurim instead of sitting in Yeshiva all day and night thus turning to cigarettes, reckless driving and other stuff they should learn a trade or work for a half a day.
wow theres a lot of feeling in this comment
It’s a good thing that you ran to the lawn. If you would take a closer look at the driver, you would have noticed that maybe he is your relative or a son of your best friend.
By the way I was out last night on Central Ave. and I saw car with PA license plates driving way past the speed limit. Many times I have noticed people driving in a reckless manner and guess what many times it was not a Bachur. Go for a walk on Friday night after 10 pm on Central Ave. and start counting the cars that are flying by.
Were driving around and there’s nothing you could do to stop it. ????????????
Sadly just a normal day in Lakewood
The traffic is AWAYS CRAZY in Lakewood. So glad I don’t live there anymore.