By: C.M. The Chestnut Community opened their homes and their hearts this past Shabbos, and hosted the warriors of Chai Lifeline for an unforgettable Shabbaton. The Judowitz home was abuzz on Friday, with the arrival of the boys from across the tri-state area as well as DC, and even Chicago. The snow did little to deter the kids and volunteers from enjoying every moment! Snowballs were flying as everyone had a chance to pose by the outdoor photo booth. After being served delicious refreshments, the boys picked up their awesome personalized packages stuffed with caps, sweatshirts, a beautiful watch, cufflinks, a tablet for each boy, and loads of goodies, and were sent off to their hosts to prepare for Shabbos. Over 20 families from the neighborhood invited in the boys and their counselors, providing them with comfortable accommodations, including ramps and wheelchairs provided by Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim, and all other special needs.
Shabbos started with a heartfelt Kaballas Shabbos at the Chestnut shul led by R’ Baruch Levine, who joined for Shabbos. The community joined in the dancing together with the boys and made them feel welcome. The Rav, Rabbi Greenfield, shared his perspective with the crowd, exclaiming how inspiring it was to see everyone come together with such achdus. In an unprecedented arrangement, each boy ate the Friday night meal at his host along with his counselor. Chai Lifeline Shabbatons usually have the boys eating the Friday night meal together. However, as Mr. Yechiel Frenkel, the visionary behind this Shabbaton, put it, “When Rabbi Sruli Fried mentioned the idea to me, I told him I need to think about. I called him back within minutes with my answer; I had no doubt the community would be receptive to the idea.” This arrangement enabled the community children to befriend the Chai Lifeline boys, and many of them formed close friendships. The kindness and sensitivity that every community member showed the boys was so special! Tzvi Haber, assistant Head Counselor at Camp Simcha, and coordinator of the Shabbaton remarked, “the kids didn’t feel like they were being hosted. They felt like they were at home!”
Though the boys struggle with acute or life-long illness, this Shabbos was about celebrating the strengths of each child.
A resplendent oneg was hosted by the Atlas’s following the meal on Friday night. The boys were dazzled by the decor and lighting; every last detail was executed to perfection! The gourmet refreshments included anything you could imagine, from hors d’oeuvres, sliders, cholent, and kugel down to nuts and pastries.
The lively singing and dancing drew in each child along with members of the community. Mr. Moshe Klein, Shabbaton committee member commented that “the oneg was so uplifting. You could see the emotion on everyone’s face.” One child shared his thoughts, highlighting how Chai Lifeline, is all about the present. They will capture the moment, and utilize every opportunity to bring smiles to kids’ faces.
After a long, but incredible evening, the boys headed back to their hosts to catch a few winks. For one eight year old boy, this was his first time sleeping away from home since his diagnosis- and he loved every second!
Not wanting to miss out even a minute of this fabulous Shabbos, the boys were up bright and early to daven Shachris at Bais Medrash Ohr Gedalya. A beautiful davening and Rosh Chodesh bentching was led once again by R’ Baruch Levine. A mega kiddush followed, and was enjoyed by all. By the time they went to eat the meal, the boys were filled with an energy and spirit that was contagious! The Shabbos day meal was a gala affair, sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Yehonasan Schlesinger, at Bais Medrash Ohr Gedalya. Rabbi Sruli Fried, regional director of Chai Lifeline New Jersey, shared a vort on the parsha, highlighting the elevated level of chessed that can be done by interacting with a person in need as opposed to just sending support from afar. He related this to the Chestnut community who embraced this level of chessed by inviting the children of Chai Lifeline to spend Shabbos with them.
Shalosh seudos at Kahal Sharei Tefilla was graced by divrei chizuk from the rav, Rabbi Babad. Once again the boys were surrounded by community members who took a genuine interest in them and were so welcoming. As Tzvi Haber described it, “the Shabbos was an amazing combination of a communal, yet intimate atmosphere. It was truly a group effort and the boys felt it.” Words of inspiration were shared by one of the Chai Lifeline warriors. A stirring Havdala was led by Shua Kessin and had all the boys on their feet, swaying and humming along.
The weekend culminated in a grand Melava Malka for the entire community. The stage was graced by John the Ventriloquist, who had young and old clutching their sides in laughter! Once again, no one went hungry with the abundance of delicious food. Whether they liked soup, pasta, pizza, eggplant parmesan, salad, knishes, popcorn, cotton candy or ice cream, every child and adult found plenty to choose from! The beautiful decor contributed greatly to the ambiance.
Awards were presented to those who went above and beyond in planning, sponsoring, and executing the Shabbaton:
Mr. & Mrs. Yechiel Frenkel
Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Klein
Mr. & Mrs. YM Judowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Atlas
Mr. & Mrs. Avi Mermelstein
Mr. & Mrs. Yehonasan Schlesinger
Mr. & Mrs. Beirish Rapaport
Mr. & Mrs. Meir Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Shloimy Mermelstein
Mr. & Mrs. Ariel Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Feinstein
Mr. & Mrs. Yoely Elkon
Mr. & Mrs. Elyakum Green
Mr. & Mrs. Oded Kariti
Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Meir Berkowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Jacobovitch
A special award was presented to Camp Simcha counselor, Yosef Klein, for going above and beyond, volunteering countless hours of his time to help plan the logistics to make the Shabbaton a success. Special thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Klein for their generous sponsorship.
Eli Wax orchestra took the stage along with Shloime Tausssig, with singing and dancing that revved up the crowd. It was heart-warming to watch a local father and son dancing hand in hand with a young boy struggling with cerebral palsy. A surprise guest appearance by Mendy J had the crowd on their feet again, jumping, dancing, and cheering.
The Chai Lifeline volunteers who attended the Shabbaton, offered a lesson in commitment, responsibility and above all, love for each child. Their inextinguishable energy kept the boys smiling all throughout the Shabbos. In fact, one community member reflected, “I always thought I was a nice guy. I help others, I give tzedaka. But watching these counselors over Shabbos- I’m tiny compared to them!” Our dedicated Lakewood volunteers remained to clean up the hall on Motzei Shabbos long after all the guests returned home.
Every boy at this Shabbaton was given the VIP treatment, making him feel like the most important person in the world! From the decor to the food, from the program to the camaraderie, the boys left knowing that they have friends in the Chestnut community who have their back.
Special thanks to Uri Arnson Photography for a fabulous job!
Thank you Yosef Klein for all your hard work organizing the Shabbaton!
Wow! I thought I’ve seen it all until chestnut showed up!! Above and beyond and it paid off!! Best shabbaton I have ever been to- and I’ve been around! The Warriors will never forget u!