YOUR PHOTOS: The Lunar eclipse as seen over Lakewood [UPDATED]

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  1. According to halacha, this is a very bad siman for klal yisroel, which is why we dont’ say a bracha. it is a time for tefilla and teshuva

  2. @cg that is factually incorrect. The Gemara does mentions that it’s a bad simon. The reason why there is no bracha is simply because this is not how Hashem has the world run like by maiseh beraishis. Neither is there a bracha recited by a solar eclipse even though the Gemara mentions it’s a good simon.

  3. Why is it a bad Simon?
    There’s a very logical reason to this phenomenon based upon the rotation calculation of the earth blocking the sun, hence the resulting eclipse to the moon.

    • the moon represents klal yisroel, so when the moon is covered it’s considered a time when our mazal is down. even though it’s completely logical and natural for it to happen

  4. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Learn the sugya or discuss it with a talmid chochom. Yes it’s part of nature and the solar cycle. Yes it’s a bad simman for klal yisroel. Rainbows are also tevah. It’s a time to be mechazek in tefillah and teshuva, but not if you don’t want to I suppose…

  5. I once found an aveidah. The owner came to claim it from me. When I asked him for a siman, he said the aveidah has a teeny scratch on the left side that can be seen with an electron microscope. I told him that’s a pretty bad siman. So he asked me, “Isn’t finding an aveidah a good simon?”, and “where does it say that a teeny scratch on the left side is a bad siman for the owner?” So I told him, “Knucklehead! It’s not a bad simon for the owner, it’s just a bad simon for helping me ascertain your ownership!” So he looked at me with a confused look and asked me, “Does that mean I’m not getting my aveidah back?” So I said, “First bring me an electron microscope, and we’ll talk.” He said, “The fact that YOU, of all people, found my aveidah is not a good simon.” Then, seeing the insulted look on my face, he said, “Scratch that last one.” So I said, “Yes, please scratch it, so at least we’ll know the insult was yours.”

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