Instead of using handheld devices to take visitors’ temperatures, the Lakewood Township is now using kiosks.
The mobile devices, placed throughout the building, requires the visitor to walk up to the kiosk, which immediately reads the body temperature. Visitors with above-normal temperatures are denied entry.
The Township buildings are still shut to the general public due to Covid.
Who are the kiosks for if it’s closed to the general public?
Let’s get them in all Public and Private School s. Grocery store s Catering Halls and All Houses of Worship.
Government has appear as if they are actually something. But everyone else knows temperature checks are a useless tool.
No reason for a grocery store to take your temperature and tell you you have 95.1.
They are connected by wireless so you will be decreed to be put in an isolation camp and forcibly vaccinated. Pray for Hashem to send an Esther ASAP.
Are the internal cameras turned off?
You can be positive for corona and not have a fever. It’s ridiculous