On Sunday, November 22nd, Congregation Poile Zedek of New Brunswick, New Jersey, held a Levaya to bury the nine Sifrei and hundreds of Seforim destroyed in the tragic fire on October 23rd.
The Mayor of New Brunswick James Cahill attended the ceremony and offered words of encouragement: “The Lord spoke to Joshua after Moses’ death as he was leading the Children of Israel to the promised land: ‘Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’ The Poile Zedek congregation is not discouraged. Your spirits remain high, your faith immensely strong. Please know that the New Brunswick community remains with you as you rebuild into an even stronger community. May the lord bless you as you go through this journey.”
The ceremony was held at the site of the Shul, and the Sifrei Torah and Seforim were buried at Poile Zedek Cemetery nearby.
“After almost 115 years of enriching many lives, today has been the most tragic day in the history of Congregation Poile Zedek. But our sadness serves as a source of strength. May G-d guide us and enlighten us as to the future of the Congregation,” said Reuven Dorfman, Executive Director of the Synagogue.
“With the help of the Almighty and the assistance of the Jewish Community, we will rebuild Congregation Poile Zedek and bring it to greater and higher levels of holiness,” stated the Congregation’s spiritual leader, Rabbi Abraham Mykoff.
The Rabbi rushed into the burning building on October 23rd and was able to save one of the Torahs.
The building was on the National and State Registers of Historic Sites since 1995, but Congregation Poile Zedek, which means “Doers of Righteousness”, dates back to the early 1900s. In its early years, most of its congregants were emigrants from Russia and other Eastern European countries. Today the Congregation is home to many Jews from the former Soviet Republics.
[TLS. Photos TLS & Barbara Lustiger, Nikuda Production]