A hate message ‘Burn the Jews’ was found etched into playground equipment in a Toms River park today.
Lakewood Civilian Safety Patrol, who was made aware of the anti-Semitic message said “we condemn such hate.”
There hasn’t been any statement from the Toms River Mayor, police or any other officials who were reportedly made aware of the incident.
My 5 year-old accidentally spelled an explitive when she wrote the A,B,Cs in the wrong order. Want a picture of that?
Her handwriting is more legible than the one in this picture.
We should all call the TR Parks Dept and ask them to replace the offensive panel in that playground. That’s horrible.
@faux-news it’s pretty clear to me what it says. I’m sure your 5 yr old would be able to read it as well if you took her to this playground.
is it possible that we need to start behaving differently as a whole, and not spend time discussing the handwriting skills of the offender here?
“pnei hador k’pnei hakelev”
I don’t think you’re looking for logic but I’ll do my part and try anyway.
Your daughter writes with a pen, right? Try etching words into a panel like that as legible as an ADULTS handwriting and then post your comment with the results.
Instead of decrying the nauseating Anti-Semitism coming from your communities, you make light of it? Shame on you.
With such an attitude, YOUR five year old will be the one doing the scrawling in several years.
against chilul hashem says:
Please don’t always be the fool blaming ourselves for blatant Anti-Semitism.
Halocha hi beyadua – Eisov Sonei L’Yaakov- PERIOD.