Pesach isn’t only about removing the physical Chometz from the home, but also about removing the ‘Yetzer Hara’ from within us, as is brought down in Seforim.
One Lakewood resident internalized that message, and just days ahead of Pesach the resident tells TLS he took a hammer and smashed his Samsung tablet.
“I wanted to do something for my spiritual growth,” the man told TLS.
“It’s about time!” he said. “It’s a spiritual Pesach cleaning – free from technological servitude!”
Though he isn’t looking to encourage others to follow his cleaning process, he says “perhaps others will be inspired to take a step of their own.”
In fact, his children watched on as he made the bold statement.
“I had my kids participate and I believe it made an impression on them.”
Several years ago, a Lakewood resident dumped his tablet into the lake ahead of Rosh Hashana after he found himself wasting too much time on the gadget.
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does he have a warranty?
I guess TLS just lost a customer
Anything extreme should not be celebrated.
Why not erase all data and give it to someone who may need it?
I left my Galaxy on the table in a local shul. If you have seen it, please return it asap. The screen is sensitive, as am I. Please don’t drop it….or hit it…..
Hope he doesn’t get a new one Motzei Pesach!
I am disgusted by this. There are so many organizations and children in hospitals who would have gladly taken such an item to be used for therapy etc. A stronger statement would have been to donate it; cleared of any data of course. Show your children that such an item can help those who otherwise would not be able to communicate. Disappointed that TLS ran such a story.
kol hakavod. There are times when one needs to make extreme moves like this in order to conquer the Yetzer Horah. Donating it is a nice idea however during the time in between his decision to rid himself of this device and actually giving it away the YH will easily convince him to keep it. I wish I had the strength of character to do this.
To all the people “disgusted”by this, you are either women or men that never fought a spiritual fight in their life. this was obviously bothering his life and so when your fighting to get rid of this stuff there is no rational to donate it or anything like that.guarantee he would still have it if he wouldlve reasoned with himself. kudos to a man making a bold move in a world gone mad.
all the kids in hospitals have as many ipads as they want ( may they have a refuah shleima and be home for yom tov) maybe dont rip kriah donate the suit the answer is that at times its necessary to do something destructive that is constructive ” soser al menas livnos”
finally dont smash yours but try leaving it in the office till after pesach! i did that last year
My tatty had 2 smart-phones. I smashed one and put the hammer next to the other smart-phone. When tatty came home I told him that I tried to stop them but – alas! – it was too late.