PHOTOS: 5-Vehicle MVA Involving Tractor Trailer Sends 4 to Hospital

PHOTOS: A serious crash involving a tractor trailer, landscaping truck and threee other vehicles sent 4 people to the hospital this afternoon, officials say.

The multi-vehicle crash occurred at about 2:30 p.m. at the intersection of New Hampshire Avenue and Route 88 (Ocean Avenue).

The impact of the crash punctured the trailer’s gas tank, spilling gallons of fuel into the roadway.

One of the parties needed to be extricated from the vehicle.

Multiple emergency agencies responded to the scene including LPD, LFD, EMS, LFA as well as Brick EMS. Haz-Mat was also dispatched to the scene for the fuel spill.

Four patients were transported by EMS, LFA and Brick EMS to Kimball Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center and Jersey Shore Medical Center.

Road closures are in place as of this posting. [TLS]


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  1. OMG. Never a dull moment in Lakewood. Someone was probably in a rush. Those trucks need a lot of space to make their left turns. And most of the time, I see cars just sitting there while the truck is trying to turn. People need to stop rushing to go NOWHERE. Leave enough room for those trucks. Whenever I see them coming, I move over. I hate being next to them. They scare me for this same reason in the photo. I pray everyone involved is ok.

  2. I was waiting by the light, and witnessed the collision. The landscaping truck was going south on New Hampshire and the tractor trailer was going north. The tractor tried to make a quick turn in front of the landscaping truck, which resulted in it being shoved into the other vehicles.

  3. So far today ,, this bad accident, an employee at CVS gets punched in the face for someone tryen too steal soap, and now someone is in critical condition from getting shot, suspect still on the loose, wow too much goes on here .. its sad 🙁

  4. To witness
    Please clarify. Your account doesn’t make much sense. If the tractor trailer turned in front of the landscaping truck how did it shove it into other vehicles?

  5. The landscaping truck crashed into the side of the cab,(because it turned in front of it )shoving it from the west bound lane on rt 88, to the east bound Turing lane, to the east bound going straight lane

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