We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Reb Shabsi Schnall Z”L, who was Niftar over Shabbos.
Reb Shabsi Z”L, father of Askan Reb Avi Schnall, suddenly collapsed several weeks ago. He was approximately 62.
The Levaya will be taking place at 11AM Sunday at Shomrei Hadas Chapels.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Shiva will be taking place at 1429 E 29th Street in Flatbush.
Nebech. So young. He was “ah Tzaddik ah yid”, as everyone who knew him can attest. TNTB”H.
I didn’t know R’ Avi’s father, but based on R’ Avi, he must have been a special person to have such a chashuve son who is oisek with the klal day and night. May he be a meilitz yoisher for the family and klal yisroel.
Your father must have been so proud of all your accomplishments for the klal. May you and your family find nechama and the necessary chizuk during this very painful time.
Where is Shiva
As you know, words are very powerful – worlds are built or destroyed by words. That 1 word “suddenly” as in ” suddenly collapsed” makes Yidden think that a person was doing his utmost to keep his gifted body truly healthy – & H’ just took him. Certainly – that does happen – nobody knows their “expiration date”, but as in suicide, R”L – humans do have the power to cause themselves Ill health & to shorten their lives way before their Divinely confirmed “expiration date”. The RAMBAM confirms this truth in Moreh Nevuchim.
The point is – while we give kavod hameis & don’t, chalilah, share an individual’s possible poor health habits that could have led to his early demise – the many gullible readers should not be told “suddenly” thereby giving them more reason to feel distant from the RBShO who loves each & every one of us as the Ultimate Abba & gives us the seichal & wherewithal to be vibrantly healthy if we make the efforts that it takes.
It pains me to see that jewish media does not do its utmost to get to the truth of so many tzaros in the health & function in our communities. Though following the pharma-trained medical professionals has led to more & more sickness – the vast majority iof Jewish media people fear tackling sheker-medicine & calling a spade a “spade” that all those doctors have learned is to create disease & rescue with drugs – which NEVER leads to vibrant genuine health.
Those trusting in Hash-m’s infinitely brilliant resources to stay healthy are creating the kiddush Hash-m that will redeem the world. Many are not even Jewish, yet many of our own “frum” doctors – refuse to even think about how they are destroying the health of a generation by pushing money-making drugs & procedures & learning zero about true health.