Petirah of Reb Dovid Shachter Z”L


We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Reb Dovid Shachter Z”L, who was Niftar today in Lakewood at the age of 95.

Reb Dovid Z”L, formerly of Monsey, NY, is the father of R’ Nosson, of Lakewood, R’ Eli, and Mrs. Ruchie Lownberg.

The Levaya will be taking place at 5:30 PM at 7th Street Chapel, 613 Ramsey Avenue.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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  1. BD”E. THe nifter was a good friend of mine. He davened by R’ HIrschberg’s shul every Shabbos. He lived across the street. I used to daven there Yomim Nora’im. The nifter was at the opening of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin. He remebered it clearly. He used to tell me about life in Europe before the war. He was amazingly sharp, witty & quick. One Rosh Hashana, a few yrs ago, by the break, I saw he didnt go out for kiddush. So I told him, go hear kiddush, you’ll eat something. he told me – I never in my life made kiddush before tekios on Rosh Hashana & I’m not starting now. Just btw, R” Hirschberg was Mechabed him to the utmost in every way possible. Yehi Zichro Boruch.

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