We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Reb Ahron Stefansky Z”L, of Lakewood, who was Niftar over Yom Tov following a lengthy illness R”L. He was approximately 50 years old.
Reb Ahron, a noted Baal Tzedakah, leaves behind a wife and nine children, with the youngest just five years old.
The Levaya will be taking place at 5:30 PM in the BMG Yoshon on Monday, the first day of Chol Ha’moed. Kevurah will be on Har Hamenuchos. The Niftar will be flown with ElAl via JFK.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Baruch dayan ha’emaes. He was a huge bal tzedakah.. . Very sad.
Baruch dayan emes
A real loss for the oilem hatorah & Lakewood as a whole!!!! Reb Ahron was a true “Noisa bi’oil im chavairoi” im just speechless!!!!!!
A good friend !!!!!!
BD”H, what is his fathers name?
Eliezer stefansky
His father is Reb Lazer
I did work in his shul and they didn’t have $$$ to pay so he took $13,000 out of his pocket and paid me!!
A special person sadly niftar at the young age of 51-the chapter in Tehillim of TESHUVA (Repentance)
YOU decide in your own gift from Hashem of free-will if you are ready as a nation to end this horrific time of non stop tragedies in k lal Yisroel
by doing TESHUVA.
There’s no one to blame but ourselves for bringing this upon us R”L
May his neshama have an aliyah and may everyone have a wonderful Yom Tov
The Niftar supported many poor families in Bnei Brak
Any jfk levaya info
ברוך דין האמת
So sad.
Interesting, Reb Ahron was a close Chavrusa with the Rosh Yeshiva Reb Yeruchem Olshin Shlita. He would always make sure to start his day with learning. Even if he had to run somewhere he would always make sure to learn with Reb Yeruchem. Now he will be remembered by the Rosh Yeshiva, as he has the same Yahrtziet as the father of the Rosh Yeshiva