We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Reb Aharon Freiner Z”L, who was Niftar today at the age of 84.
Reb Aharon served as a cook at BMG until approximately 10 years ago.
The Levaya will be taking place at 11:30 a.m. at the 7th Street Chapel. The Kevurah will be in Eretz Yisroel.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Freiner with an N
The name is Freiner not Freider
I am saddened. I became the shabbos mashgiach as a bocher and he was hired during my second week because he spoke Polish and was able to communicate with the workers. I asked him to run shalosh sudos and he agreed even though he lived over a mile away from the yeshiva and had a family at home. This arrangement continued until my tenth year in kollel.
Reb Aaron would do anything for the yeshiva and its buchrim out of the kindness of his heart. Lakewood lost a true and loyal member of the yeshiva family.
Just to reiterate what R’ Aaron Lang said – I was a bochur in BMG way back then when Aaron was the Shabbos mashgiach and R’ Aharon Z”L worked in the kitchen. Just to clarify; he wasn’t the actual cook as the beloved Aryeh Speilman who was the cook back then and is still the cook in yeshiva actually cooked and made everything. However R’ Aharon Z”L would come in the early afternoon and take over the kitchen and help prepare for supper that was on the most part made already by Aryeh and his helpers.
R Aharon Z”L was a true Moikir Rabbonon. I was actually very close with him in my bochurishe days – he had his favorites among the bochurim and Yungerleit and he would do anything if you asked him. He always felt privileged if a chosheve yungerman would come over to him and be it just have a conversation or ask if he may eat in yeshiva. He felt so privileged to be in a position where he could help, accommodate or do something for a ben -torah and he lived for that as most of his family lived in EY and he considered the yeshiva to be his extended family.
He gets a lot of credit for walking to yeshiva every Shabbos afternoon to help set up seudah shlishis which was attended by the Roshei Hayehiva and many times guests who would grace the long dais.
There are a lot of former and present talmidim who are deeply saddened by his passing.
May all his many years of working in the yeshiva where he did so much for the Bnei Hayehiva be a tremendous zechus for him.