We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Esther Buchler A”H, who was Niftar during the night following a brief illness.
Mrs. Buchler A”H, 78, resided in Brooklyn for many years and recently moved to Lakewood.
She is the wife of Reb Moshe, and mother of R’ Yaakov (Lakewood) and R’ Avrohom (Lakewood), and the mother in law of Harav Lazer Apter (Lakewood) and R’ Avrohom Zaks (Lakewood).
The Levaya will be taking place at Shomrei Hadas Chapels, 14th Avenue and 38th Street in Brooklyn at 2 PM. Kevurah will be taking place in Eretz Yisroel.
Shivah information will be published when available.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
BD”H. I knew her personaly. Always so happy and smiling and positive about life. So friendly and always made me feel so good. She was a true living example. Her petirah is a loss for many of us. May the family know no more pain. Hamakom yenachem eschem.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes. A great teacher for many years in Beis Yakov 18th Avenue in Boro Park. She will be missed.
Oish. What a loss. Im friendly with her sons for, like, 30 years. She was a special lady. She taught first grade (kindergarten?) till 2 yrs ago. Can u imagine teaching little kids at 76 yrs old ?!! And she was a superstar. The kids, parents and staff loved her. You can what a kind, gentle, soecial owrson she was just by looking at her kids & tzeegekiminers. Tachshitim one after another. From Aron Ahmuel & Shabsi down to Yechiel & Efraim. And her husband is mamesh a Tzaddik. His name is R’ Moshe Shimon, btw. And thats how he is known. She was an incredible lady & she will be missed by all of us privileged to have known her. Tehi Zichrah B’rucha.