Petirah of Harav Avrum Chaim Spitzer Z”L

candleIt’s with much regret we inform you of the Petirah of Harav Avrum Chaim Spitzer Z”L, the Rov of Kahl Ohr Hachaim of Boro Park, who was Nifter today following an illness.

Harav Spitzer Z”L, a renowned Dayan and Magid Shiur, is the uncle of the Skverre Dayan of Lakewood. He was 82.

KolHaolam reports that the Levaya will be taking place at 7 PM this evening at Khal Ohr Hachaim, 1424 49th Street, Brooklyn, New York.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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  1. Oish. I davened in his shul a LOT as a bochur growing up in Boro Park. The Ruv was a massive Talmid Chacham. He also gave around 8 shiuim a DAY. Big loss. BDE.

  2. It is Lakewood news because he has many former mispalelim/ talmidim that currently live in Lakewood.

    Also, Lakewood is Ihr Hatorah & he was Torah!

  3. He stood for true Torah ‘fin da heim’ – gave up many things to be able to accomplish things for yiddishkeit that few could do as well as him. He never looked for kovod and was always upholding strong torah fundamentals – It is an unfathomable loss and he really is one of the last tzaddikim of that caliber- We are all orphans, and may he be a true meilitz yosher for klal yisroel and beg Hashem to send the Geulah

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