We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Avraham Askowitz Z”L, who was Niftar this morning.
Avraham Z”L, son Dr. Shimon Yitzchok Askowitz Z”L, was originally from Philadelphia and lived in Lakewood in recent years. He Davened in the Alumni.
A Levaya will be held for him at 10 AM at the 7th Street Chapel. Kevurah will take place in Philadelphia.
R’ Avrohom z”l was a close talmid of Hagaon Harav Ruderman z”l Rosh Yeshivas Baltimore. R’ Avrohom would transcribe from memory each Motzoei Shabbos the shmuz that Rosh Yeshiva gave on Shabbos. He was the only one that could do this. He layer published his notes of the Rosh Yeshiva’s shmuzin and shiurim under the titles “Sochos Levi” and Shiurei Levi”.
This kind gentle illuy will be very missed.
Oish, what a loss. R’ Avrohom was such a nice, eideleh man. And what an iluy !! As the previous poster said. Yet walked arpu d woth a complete Pashtus
Anyone with shiva info ?
Shiva is at 801 Lexington
Shachris 7:30
Mincha 4:15 followed by Mariv