The saga of Sharei Tefilah, the Perth Amboy shul in the dwindling Orthodox community, has been a long and bumpy one from the start, and the case – which involves Board members who have forsaken the mandates of Halacha and wish to convert it into a non-Jewish institution – will head to trial April 30th.
According to attorney Larry Loigman, who is working this case pro-bono, any outcome in the trial could potentially put the Shul in a better position.
Loigman had fild a motion asking the judge to reverse his ruling on three major points. One was the judge’s decision to discharge the notice of Lis Pendens that had been filed. This basically secures a plaintiff’s claim on the property so that the sale, mortgage, or encumbrance of the property will not diminish plaintiff’s rights to the property, should the plaintiff prevail in its case. The judge had also removed a document stating the decision of Bais Din, which forbid selling the property to this purchaser, from the public record. Loigman asked that for that letter to be returned for consideration. He also made a motion to allow the defendants to file a counter claim.
At this point however, Loigman admits there is really nothing that legally stops the board members who want to sell, from doing so.
“My concern” he explains, “is that if they wanted to, they could sell the property, so I want to have a trial and hopefully come out with a favorable decision.” If not, Loigman says they are prepared to appeal. Appealing could actually have safer conditions for the Shul, Loigman explains.
“If we are going before a different judge, he may see things differently and approve the Lis Pendens and some of the other issues we have been working to present.” The defendants have scheduled their depositions for next week.
‘The Committee To Save Shaarey Tefiloh’, run by Lakewood Askonim, is reaching out to the community for finanical assistance as they continue their efforts in preserving the Kedushas Hamikdash Me’at.
“Although Mr. Loigman and Ira Heller Esq. have undertaken to work on this case pro-bono, the administrative court fees are mounting”, the Committee says. “With this in mind, the community is asked to contribute in any way that they can to help pay for these mounting expenses. Donations can be sent in to P.O. Box 2042, Perth Amboy, NJ, 08862.” TLS/Lakewood Shopper.
Kol hakovod to aall behind this effort!
Thank you larry and Ira two lamed vavniks!
how about allowing opposing points of view to be posted here without censorship via “moderation” the ironic part the words i posted were Larry Loigmans not mine and you still chose to leave it in moderation
There is no oposing veiws!! They are not shomer shabbos clearly stated by court that they are not observant and don’t care about what bais din says! There was a siruv placed on them by bais din! They have control of hundreds of thousands of dollars without any accountability!! Its time for these guys to go join a reform synogauge and not try to turn this frum shul into a reform one!!
to #5 thats exactly the problem ,”no opposing viewpoints ,then tell me why this is in court ? obviously there are two parties that do not see things the same way ? So now the court has to make a Legal call as to what is to take place .
why is this lakewood news?
why are you censoring me ?