Perth Amboy Shul Members Removed From Board – Could Face Suspension Of Privileges Within Jewish Community

Members of the Perth Amboy Shul board looking to sell the Historic building to a non-Jewish group, have been removed from the Board with a Seiruv, and could face losing their rights and privileges within the Jewish community.

Following a hearing last week in which the Judge removed the lien on the building due to a lack of proper notification to the defendants, a P’sak was issued from Bais Din that the Shaarey Tefiloh Board members are not fit to serve as officers in an Orthodox Shul.

“Your status of having been issued a Seiruv renders you disqualified, under the Synagogue’s constitution, from serving as an officer of the Synagogue unless and until the Seiruv is revoked”, Rabbi Elazar Teitz of the Elizabeth Bais Din wrote in a letter. “The Beth Din therefore rules that you are no longer officers of the Synagogue”, the Seiruv read.

The Seiruv comes after the members disregarded the requirements of Jewish Law, and have refused to have the matter in dispute – the sale of Shaarey Tefillah synagogue – resolved by a Bais Din, but instead went to secular court.

But what got the defendants both emotional and aggressive following the December 22nd hearing, was a statement by Attorney Larry Loigman, the Attorney to prevent the sale from taking place.

During the hearing, Loigman stated that the Board members’ failure to resolve their issue in Bais Din, could in fact lead to suspension of rights and privileges within the Jewish community.

“Although the judge used the term “excommunication,” I don’t think that’s entirely accurate, and would prefer something like “suspension of rights or privileges”, Loigman tells TLS.

The lost privleges could include their rights to be buried in a Jewish cemetery.

Lakewood Askonim, together with R’ Herschel Chomsky plan on continuing the battle with all possible means possible to keep the Shul in Frum hands.

“The committee in conjunction with the legal team led by renowned attorney Mr. Larry Loigman continue to pursue the case and work on many different fronts to stop the impending sale of Shaarey Tefiloh”, the Shul committee founded by Lakewood Askonim, says. “We once again request, that anyone who can be of assistance to please contact us at [email protected]“. TLS.


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  1. I wish much Hatzlocha to this wonderfull Commitee and Herscherl Chomsky. I hope that they will be successful. But no matter what the outcome is they will no doudt be repaid by Hashem. Their princepled stand for kdeshas bais kenesses and kvod shamaim, leave us all inspired. Ashreichem!

  2. To #1 & #3… The only issue here is you accusing TLS of לשון הרע. You should learn the Halachos of לשון הרע before accusing others.

    There is no לשון הרע in this case. I think you both owe TLS an apology.

  3. Mr. Conservative,

    Firstly, you are dealing here with individuals who choose to completely disregard their Jewish faith and laws. Under the circumstances, there is actually a requirement to disseminate any detail that can thwart their evil plans. Open a Chofetz Chaim, it may help you.

    On a side note, from your comments on this website, I wouldn’t think you to be the most stringent individual in hilchos Lashon Horah! People like you tend to shout Assur, Assur, when it suits them. Try applying it to your own conduct on this site and then we can talk further.

  4. The real Mr Conservative is not Jewish, so he is not required to abide by the laws of Loshon Hara. Only Jews are required to abide by the strict laws of Loshon Hara (i.e. not speaking negatively of others)

    That said, The laws of Loshon Hara do not apply when there is a valid purpose, or against an evil person. In this case, the purpose is to galvanize public support for this worthy cause, and the people involved are evil. Hence, we are permitted to discuss this case.

  5. Can we petition Mr Conservative to move there as well? I am sure he’ll found a kosher ThePerthAmboyScoop that will have footnotes with a M”M on every article. LOL

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