PD is currently ticketing vehicles illegally parked in the Fire-Lane at BMG. We would like to remind our readers, that-unless your vehicle is a fire truck responding to a fire, or is invisible, parking in a fire lane will get you a ticket. If G-D forbid there is a fire, your car will delay or prevent emergency personnel’s access to the scene. TLS-CCP
PD Ticketing At BMG For Fire-Lane Parking
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When When When will people learn to do things right????!
Who should do it right? Who came first the chicken or the egg? The reason there is no parking is because the town lets people build w/o any regard to parking. So all of the yungeleit need to suffer and have bittul torah to find parking space or loss money paying tickets. Something must be done!
Officer Butterworth would only hand out warnings……….he is a nice policeman
such an enormous chillul hashem, i promise you, the people who parked illegally are not getting any credit for the shteiging they are doing inside.
That’s ridiculous. You know how much parking is necessary for the amount of people in the Bais Medrash? You would need a huge parking lot like they have at walmarts and malls. Who should pay for that?
Who do you think should pay for it? BMG. It is their acharayos you open a school you must provide for the people who use the school . Georgian Court has parking. Rutgers has parking. BMG can’t just open a school w/o regrds to parking. Take a look at Forest and 11th. It is a disastor do you have any idea what the people who have lived there for years are going through? Yes BMG should build a huge parking garage like Walmart and other colleges. Stop blaming the yungeleit. they have no choice. It is very frustrating for them.
Generally the people that build the buildings are required to provide the parking
Its not the safety they are worried about .its to fill their quotas and generate revenue for the township.
hey # 6 . if you dont like bmg or you disagree with them then go to a different kollel or leave your car at home.
Regradless of who’s achrayus it is to find parking, being a mentsch comes first always. You don’t break the law and put others in danger so you can go learn. Don’t be lazy, park a few blocks away and walk a little. Most guys can use the exercise…
Break the law Get towed or ticketed! Why do you think your above the law? If you know you have to be somewhere by a certain time and parking is limited, leave a little early. Common sense and courtesy, are we devoid of these in lakewood? It seems we are.
And whats wrong wigh sharing rides. That would help with the parking issue too.
Please excuse the typo (wigh=with) i should have proofred
funny thing how they ticket in a private parking lot. QUOTAS
I also believe that BMG should build a parking lot or parking garage.
#13 you should have proof”read” your second comment as well!
what’s with Job link, anyone ????
BMG should make sure that there is enough parking for everyone. half the parking lot by bmg is reserved for people who work there. dont you think ther should be parking for those who learn there.
NEVERhave they issued warnings..
Bmg want it to look nice by not having cars parked on both sides.
the warning in on the sign or painted on the ground “No parking – fire zone.”
Well they could always blame it on the snow again. If the sign says no parking than dont park there. If I go to a store down town can I just park anywhere? I dont understand what is the big problem park in a spot or dont drive.
I have a new Chidush l’halacha. Just like we have school buses for the tei’ere kinderlach, BMG should have a bus line doing a loop around lakewood picking up and dropping off the heilige yungerlight. There can be shiurim piped in or live on the bus in order to avoid bitul toira and thus encouraging the heilige yungerlight to take the bus instead of being mevatel toira while driving to yeshivah.
It should be paid for by a special fund supported by advertisments from local tzedakas etc.
Its alot cheaper then bulding a parking lot.( also no chukas hagoim by following what walmart and other goyim or non-yeshiva people do).
The buses should run 24/6 (less 18 min before and 72 min after).
A alternate route should includes stops at baby-sitters and those buses should have car seats build-in.
You could be moisif on this chidush, but remember you heard it first at TLS.com
Just don’t park in an illegal zone. Then you won’t have anything to complain about and yes. Parking should be provided by the owner just like every other town
they should use cedarbridge.they should build a huge bais medrash with housing for kollel yungeleit that are low income.they have plenty of room for tons of parking there. they can make a gorgeous campus with dorms, housing, they can keep this bais medrash for this side of town to use. have bussing there it would be gevaldig. and safe . we could have a secure entrance to the whole campus, free up tons of traffic in town.
and when a bochur gets bored he can go see the game.
is it bain hasdorim? or your chavrusah got towed?
for how long is it going to go on like this .5 10 years bmg is growing by the year and they goota come up with something JUST SOMETHING a parking lot is out of the story first of all there is no room around bmg for it second of all its going to be a mad house at the end of seder . and buses are not a opthin bec. most people have to pick up the babby .
#24 and who do you think should pay for this? the taxpayers? ever hear about carpooling sharing rides buses? obey the laws of the land they were written to maintain civility
#22 you are so right—–park on laffyette between pine and cederbridge–you could run three or four busses a day
If the cops would be busy chasing down criminals and drug lords in town instead of harming innocent people, our tax dollars would make more sense
I never had a problem finding a spot when I came on time to Seder.
Let’s address the real issue. The old baseball field is empty, it is public property, let’s use half of it for parking! Since when do these soiney Torah have a right to tons of “green space” no one els does..
Why can’t BMG use its wealth to fund a bus that goes around town to ALL the developments or even more than one bus. It would save on time, parking, and congestion on the roads at peak hours. Less traffic from cars means you get home faster taking the bus and your child could stay in your development for playgroup or babysitting. it’s a no-brainer. You can even get a “cartisia” like in E”Y for cheaper amounts.
Yeshiva campus by cedarbridge. Great idea! Give the main building on 6th to the cheder. Finished.
Give the irv to the capitol and the capitol for the homeless.
Who wants to convince roberts to break out the checkbook
I am happy the Yeshiva is growing, but, I am not happy about the parking or lack of it and all the traffic. I think bussing is definitely the answer. Anyone who does not have children to bring to playgroups or babysitters should be mandated to use the buses. Those who must drive for various reasons should only be allowed to park in a designated parking lot, where ever it may be and the Yeshiva should provide buses to and from the parking lot at beginning and end of each seder. There should be no street parking allowed except in emergency circumstances. I live near Forest Ave. and the parking and traffic is horrendous, especially when it snows.
hakol modim that something must be done and BMG must do something. How long till something gets done?
Even if a 500 car parking lot was to be built, the issue of illegal parking would still be there because of the total disrespect of the law in Lakewood.
Who’s kidding who.
Look at the huge parking lot between 1st and 2nd st, rt 9 & Clifton Ave. No one parks there. They still double park on the Ave and on the sidewalks. To lazy to walk.