Over 2,500 Attend YTT Expo

YTT Expo 2011 pic.jpg2PHOTOS: Over 2,500 women attended this year’s YTT Expo at Lake Terrace, an event organizer tells TLS. Besides for the over 100 booths displayed, the event featured a Chinese Auction as well as food and prizes. The proceeds of the event goes to Tzedakah (Charity).

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  1. what i learned from the expo was how imperitive it is to support our local businesses. They have great ideas and many great items for sale and we must give them our money. Even if it means you will be paying a few dollars extra it is worthed (and halachicly) necessary to patronize them.

  2. To #1
    Mosdos like YTT provide chinuch to our community for a fraction of the cost of education. Proceeds from these events help pay the difference.

  3. number one —
    how many kids do you think are in the school that are not paying full tuition due to poverty and the school is subsidizing them?

    YTT doesnt hassle people who cant pay. They do deserve all the help.

  4. hey i have friend who did one of the food booths and she worked like really hard to give people their free sample and like nobody said thank you it would be really nice if people could take other peoples feelings into consideration even if things are for granted like free food samples

  5. hey i have friend who did one of the food booths and she worked like really hard to give people their free sample and like nobody said thank you it would be really nice if people could take other peoples feelings into consideration even if things are for granted like free food samples

  6. That was really nice of your friend to give food. I was there and many people said thank you to those giving food. Maybe she was too busy to notice.

  7. Having children attend YTT, you’ll experience Chinuch given over with such care, love and expertise. Rabbi G is a master mechanich who does his every move with daas Torah and is not swayed by daas PR. YTT is a model moisad.

  8. Thank you Rabbi Gelbwachs and the Chosheve Rabbeim and teachers for giving my kids a perfect education and preparing them for the future, both in Ruchnius and Gashmius.

    Thank you to all the volunteers and vendors at YTT expo for doing such a great job, the much needed proceeds from this event helps the Yeshivah close the ever growing gap in the budget.

    We hope that next year you open up with men’s hours as well this is a great event and a great, fun, kosher opportunity for business and potential customers to meet and communicate and see whats new.

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