Opinion: Will DHS Cops Be Coming for You? | Ron Benvenisti

As the DHS Secretary defends the new Disinformation Board’s Law Enforcement Capabilities and its newly appointed hypocrite leader, Nina Jankowicz, senate Republicans announced legislation Tuesday to rightfully defund it.

Senate Republicans announced legislation Tuesday to defund Homeland Security’s new disinformation board, and its Minister, Nina Jankowicz, calling it an “un-American” attempt to police what people are allowed to say.

I can corroborate the revelation that she posted crude and bizarre videos online (since deleted) and repeated false claims in late 2020 that reports about Hunter Biden’s laptop were part of a Russian disinformation plot.

The opposing bill, sponsored by Sen. Tom Cotton, would derail the board, which has become the source of intense debate in the week since Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas revealed its existence.

“The Biden administration wants a government agency dedicated to cracking down on what its subjects can say, an idea popular with Orwellian governments everywhere,” said Mr. Cotton, Arkansas Republican. “This board is unconstitutional and un-American — my bill puts a stop to it.”

Nearly 20 other Senate Republicans have signed on to his legislation, which targets the Disinformation Governance Board and any other similar effort by Homeland Security.

Just last week, in a total dodge of answering questions in his testimony before Congress, Mr. Mayorkas told Congress the board would flag election disinformation and try to warn the community — particularly racial and ethnic minorities.

But the Department of Homeland (in) Security, in describing the board, has laid out a different mission, saying it is an internal body meant to coordinate the department’s ongoing efforts at combatting disinformation. Put a big Red Flag Here.

Officials said the two top priorities right now are disinformation about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and “information smugglers” are using to recruit migrants to illegally enter the U.S. Give me a break DHS. DHS has been allowing known terrorists to enter the border since Biden took office.

I had a particular beef with DHS’s Cyber Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) when it’s head, Christopher Krebs, the director who had spearheaded a campaign to counter rumors about voter fraud. He was immediately fired by then President Trump when he published an outrageous statement that the 2020 election was the most secure ever. Bye Chris.

In any case, the current devious head of DHS, Mr. Mayorkas said the department botched the rollout of the board, but he defended its role in ongoing efforts to control misinformation anyway, making himself a total incompetent fool in front of Congress.

The  White House naturally also defended DHS’s creation of the disinformation board, claiming that it was a continuation of an effort organized under the Trump administration. LOL.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended his agency’s move to create a so-called Disinformation Governance Board after it faced widespread criticism that it was tantamount to an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.” I’ll go one better. How about this:

The Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda; RMVP), also known simply as the Ministry of Propaganda (Propagandaministerium), was responsible for controlling the content of the press, literature, visual arts, film, theater, music and radio in Nazi Germany.

The ministry was created as the central institution of Nazi propaganda shortly after the party’s national seizure of power in January 1933. In the Hitler cabinet it was headed by Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, who exercised control over all German mass media and creative artists through his ministry and the Reich Chamber of Culture (Reichskulturkammer), which was established in the fall of 1933.

In an interview with CNN on Sunday, Mayorkas said the new DHS “panel” would not be used to monitor American citizens and praised its new leader, Nina Jankowicz, even after it was revealed that she posted crude and bizarre videos online and repeated false claims in late 2020 that reports about Hunter Biden’s laptop were part of a Russian disinformation plot. She or whatever she is, is truly dangerous to all Americans and The Constitution.

“The board does not have any operational authority or capability,” Mayorkas told CNN on Sunday. Which begs the question of why does this clown need it in the first place? “What it will do is gather together best practices of addressing the threat of disinformation from foreign state adversaries, from the cartels, and disseminate those practices to the operators that have been executing and addressing this threat for years.”

When asked by CNN’s Dana Bash about whether the board will monitor U.S. citizens, Mayorkas blatantly lied by saying, “No.” At the same time, he praised Jankowicz as “neutral,” a “renowned expert,” and “eminently qualified” to lead the panel.

An addition to what I said above about this dangerous he/she or whatever she is, who knows these days, I said above, she made outlandish posts disputing reports about Hunter Biden’s laptop, Jankowicz in 2020 reposted claims on Twitter from former UK spy Christopher Steele, a Democratic Party-hired political operative who authored the discredited and controversial “Steele dossier” about former President Donald Trump. Do you need anything more than that to see what a witch “she” is?

Republicans and critics of Big Tech said the panel will attempt to suppress conservative viewpoints and views that are outside of the mainstream, comparing it to the infamous Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s novel, “Nineteen Eighty-Four.”

Take note that the timing of Mayorkas’s announcement is extremely suspicious given it is being unveiled just days after tech billionaire Elon Musk and Twitter announced he would take over the company.

Mayorkas testified last week in Congress that the board was recently created to combat so-called online disinformation.

“The goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat,” Mayorkas told lawmakers, at the hearing, without providing any details to any questions. Mayorkas is an expert on “Duck, Dodge and Block”, maybe he should quit and start a law firm by that name

In response, Musk wrote on Twitter that the board’s creation is “discomforting.” In response to a post from conservative commentator Steven Crowder.

My take is that The Biden administration should dismantle the DHS altogether, not give it new stuff to do when he can’t even control and ties their hands with the old stuff, like Border Protection.

Republican politicians and right-wing television hosts rightfully said it was clearly yet another act of authoritarianism by the Biden administration.

“Rather than police our border, Homeland Security has decided to make policing Americans’ speech its top priority,” tweeted Josh Hawley. Fox News host Tucker Carlson, meanwhile, argued that DHS was “giving law enforcement powers to identify and punish people who think the wrong things” and suggested an endgame: “men with guns” coming to your door to “tell you to shut up.” Elon Musk, growing ever more red-pilled by the day, responded to a tweet from Steven Crowder, which compared the board to Nazi Germany, by stressing that he found the board “discomforting.” Orwell was, as you might imagine, invoked again and again.

Their depiction of this new Disinformation Bureau as a kind of cancel culture tribunal, where ordinary citizens will have to answer for their thought crimes before a panel of woke parrots.

“This is America, and we don’t do things like that here and never have,” said Carlson on his show. “Or more precisely, we haven’t until now. But now Joe Biden is president, and everything is different. So today, to herald the coming of the new Soviet America, the administration announced its own Ministry of Truth. This will be called the Disinformation Governance Board.”

For the power-hungry liberals, any expansion of the Department of Homeland Security or its powers should logically be vehemently opposed. The department itself, which owes its existence to the authoritarian post-9/11 panic, knows as the “Patriot Act”, should be completely abolished.

As a former investigator of waste, fraud, and corruption I can accurately say that the DHS has been incompetent, wasteful, redundant, or abusive in TSA airport security and pandemic management, taking the lead on counterterrorism programs, helping Americans recover from natural disasters, protecting and regulating the U.S. border, and defending the nation from cyberattacks.

Brian Murphy, a former top DHS intelligence analyst, accused the agency “of blocking analysis of Russian election interference, watering down intelligence reports about corruption and violence fueling a refugee flow from Central America, and ‘modify(ing) assessments to ensure they matched up with the public comments by President Trump on the subject of ANTIFA and “anarchist” groups,’” per a September 2020 report from NBC News. Those allegations, NBC News found, matched up with the outlet’s own findings, “which determined that the Trump administration was misrepresenting the data on suspected terrorists crossing the southern border, claiming thousands when in fact there were almost none.” You heard it first from NBC fake news. Nuff said.

How will this Nazi Ministry be labeling “disinformation”, what standards will it use? IMPO, this is better left to organizations outside of the federal government to address the dysfunction of the Department of Homeland Security. The Biden administration should not create yet a another institution within what’s already an incapably flawed federal DHS should be dismantled, as should be the corrupt FBI, CIA and No Such Agency, the NSA.

But it’s about to get worse. There’s another chilling bill that was just introduced, H.R. 350, (the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act (DTPA) of 2022) which can potentially purge U.S. law enforcement and military units. It sets up a federal “task force” “to analyze and combat “White supremacist and neo-Nazi infiltration of the uniformed services and Federal law enforcement agencies.” In other words, they can go after state and local law enforcement and the military and lock them up for being “domestic terrorists.”

This bill will greatly expand the domestic surveillance apparatus in America and would go even further to threaten civil liberties and freedom. The offices created by this act would certainly be staffed by the lunatic radical officials of the Biden administration, always intent on keeping their power and wielding it with a heavy hand.

Why are no State AGs appealing this as the violation of the 1st Amendment which is what it really is at the end of the day, to SCOTUS?

Is there any way to fight this tyranny? Parents that protest CRT at school board meetings have already had their doors kicked in. The Disinformation Board now officially sanctions it. Maybe a warning on your door to DHS goons would prevent having your door kicked in? Serious question. Lots of luck.

The opinions in this article are those of the author.

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  1. I skimmed through the article, so basically this is another proof that Biden wants to make this country Communist?!

  2. I was about to post a comment here, but I se a DHS vehicle parked outside my home now, so I’m logging off the computer for now.
    I have to get a new security code for my router; I don’t want DHS prying on every comment I post to TLS.
    Over and out, 10-4.

  3. Myorkis admitted he had no idea about her bizarre tiktoks or her lies about the laptop, which means he is either lying or no background check was done and he is an incompetent clown.

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