Following the violent protests at the US Capitol, Big Tech stepped in, banning President Trump from nearly every major social media platform.
The President of the United States, the leader of the free world, is now banned from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Snapchat, YouTube, TikTok, and others, cutting him off from speaking directly to millions of his supporters.
The companies behind the bans, as well as Democrats and their co-conspirators in the mainstream media, will tell you that there is a very good reason for him being banned – he was inciting violence! But their argument rings hollow.
While I strongly disagree with the actions that protesters took at Capitol Hill last Wednesday and believe they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law (as does President Trump), Democrats, the media, and their partners at Big Tech have no moral ground to say anything negative about it.
Just take a look at what they said during the Black Lives Matter protests that wreaked havoc in cities across the US in 2020. CNN’s Don Lemon not only didn’t condemn the rioters then, he championed it, saying “this is how our country started,” essentially saying that the criminals who destroyed hundreds of businesses, ravaged America’s streets, and left dozens killed were great patriots. Chris Cuomo, another CNN anchor, specifically supported the protesters acts of violence, saying, “Please show me where it says protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful.” (The Constitution actually only gives the right to peaceful protest). In a now-infamous scene, a CNN reporter stood in front of businesses burning to the ground and said that the protests were “mostly peaceful.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a darling of the left, argued that violent demonstrations were a good thing because “the whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable.” Vice President-elect Kamala Harris helped raise funds so that criminals who burned down a police station could be released on bail.
Were not the above individuals inciting riots too? Should they have not been banned from social media platforms as well?
In the minds of Big Tech, no. Because they were supporting “good violence” while the Capitol protests were “bad violence.” They are making their own judgment call about what matters in this country and that’s a really slippery slope we appear to be heading down way too fast.
So why was President Trump banned? Because his statements don’t fit the description of what a liberal is. They don’t fit the inside the little box of group think that the media wants us all in. And therefore he must be muzzled, silenced forever.
There isn’t a right or wrong in this situation. The BLM mobs were wrong, and the Capitol Hill mobs were wrong as well. But the way that Big Tech arbitrarily choose to enforce their rules on right-leaning individuals while ignoring the very same transgressions from leftists is horrific for free speech and the country.
When only one side of a debate has a voice, pressure begins to build up. And that pressure, when it finally blows, can come with terrible consequences.
Unfortunately a lot of chariedim are willing to justify this guys behavior bec allegedly his policies are good.
Remember he threw Mike Pence under the bus the second he didn’t do what he wants.
He could care less about anybody besides himself!
Please stop looking for ways to explain his worst actions!
The difference is so obvious, it is hard to fathom the comparison.
Twitter was not used to incite violence during the BLM protests, they weren’t organized through Twitter, and the violence was never connected to the organizers.
Here, Trump invited them to ‘be wild’, he created the entire nonsensical philosophy behind their justification (the non-existent fraud), and he kept on beating the same drum. As soon as the only way he can communicate is through traditional press conferences, where he does not get to shoot statements without being called to task on them, he will not be able to continue to undermine the democracy in America.
Whataboutism is not a good argument.
None of the examples you cited used the companies that have banned Trump to get their point out.
Right on!
There is a very big difference between the two riots. You can’t bring a riot to Washington DC to the capital of our country and put our leadership and government at risk. Four people died in this event. A policeman was killed.Every single member of congress life was in danger, totally totally unacceptable.This is coming from a Trump supporter. When BLM came to Washington they were cleared out pretty quickly.
They have truly dreadful things to hide but they can’t silence or alter Hashem’s plan. Remember they are atheists, if not satanic. They have no standing. Hang in there.
He has to be silenced because they are afraid of what he will declassify and announce to the world about the complete corruption throughout Washington. That’s corruption on both sides of the aisle, and at the highest levels of government.
Mr rudman
סיג לחמה שתיקה
Trump was locked out because he committed treason against the United States. No President should EVER incite a march against Congress, the first and foremost branch of government. No matter his intent, which I think was clear by the fact he called the insurrectionists”patriots” and did nothing for hours, he will beheld accountable. His disgrace and probable prosecution will be a warning to future presidents to never try to overthrow the government again.
I do not understand why I read about the silly BLB, AOC or Antiintifada , or whatever other nonsense. Our Constitution was attacked and people here act like it was just a riot. We are sometimes call upon to make the ultimate sacrifice for Constitution and people here seem to love the man and his cause (like all dictators) to make the country great again at its expense.
I agree with the writer 100% its sad that people don’t chap where the world is heading to , that its the govt decision how you should run your life….before you fight me back, think deep!!!
Trump can speak to the public he has a press room but there he will get tough questions. PGA TOUR will have nothing to do with him, trump is worth about 2 billion to twitter and they are willing to forgo this, the company that processes donations for his campaign has said they will no longer do it, watch the video of the office getting killed it is analogous to the Israeli soldiers being pulled out of a window and killed. Before you have hakoros tov to the narcissist in office why not be grateful to the US. It is beyond shameful what people who are supposed to have yiras shamayim excuse. Fyi all those that went to washington i hope you didn’t have your location on your phones on. You all marched with the confederate flag and white nationalist. One white nationalist should have been enough for you.
Are y’all crazy or plain liberal?
A president asks his followers to march to the Capitol ” peacefully without any violence” and he is inciting violence???
His own party is against him. They will never forgive him. There is no one who is remainingogal to him except for Limbaugh who has spewed hatred for years and created the nationlist thugs. Scary to watch them. Yidden..wake up! These guys are dangerous. Read your history books
For all those saying you can’t compare the two, you absolutely can and should compare the two!!
During the BLM riots, there were numerous calls on twitter to attack tbe white house and temove Trump. Don’t forget- the secret service had to move Trump to the bunker due to the very real threat of the White House being stormed. You can find numerous videos on You Tube of prominent black leaders threatening to enter the White House and remove Trump- in other words threaten a violent Coup to overthrow an elected leader. You can find nemerous calls on twitter, YouTube and face book of prominent black politicians calling the constitution worthless, saying the this (bad word) needs to be torn down, callimg the constitution a racist document written by racists. Now all of a sudden, they care about the constitution!
When regular little people and small businesses were threatened and destroyed, ghey couldn’t care less! But when the violence entered the halls of power and they felt the fear that thousands of cotizents felt back in May- thats when they got angry.
The hypocrisy of two faced liberals is stunning!!
The difference is the President being involved. Other than that, it is irrelevant that it was the Neo-Nazis who attacked Congress or it was the BLM people who you claim planned to attack the government. This is irrelevant.
Moreover, your claim that the other groups tried but were unsuccessful yet the Neo-Nazis, Pagans and White Supremacists were successful and breached the Capitol is an indictment of the President. That is the least of why he will against be impeached.
When a President is involved in attacking a nation’s legislature, intentionally or not, the end result typically is what he will claim to be temporary marshal law and but ultimately an extension of his term of power sometimes for life. This is how most republics, starting with the Roman, came to an end.
While I am no fan of Trump and agree with most of your argument, you conveniently forget that all 3 branches of Government are equal and that it was members of Congress that tried to overthrow a President.
Republics are just as much in danger of coming to an end from uncontrolled violence in the street as it is from a bunch of conspiracy believing costumed nut cases that breached congress.
In fact, I would argue that nonsensical covid regulations coupled with the BLM riots were instrumental in causing a crisis in confidence in the Government that allowed this to happen. Throw in the fact that Obama ran roughshod over the opposition for eight years and refused to take real concerns into account and a media that is so obviously biased and there is plenty of blame to go around.
You are spot on. I was waiting to see if anyone would mention this point. Have all you liberals heard or read the transcript from the rally NOT RIOT??? The president never said anything to incite a riot.
The liberal hypocrisy and their 180 degree shift of what they are preaching about rioting and more importantly rioters is amazing.
Long forgotten are the days of liberals saying “A riot is the voice of the unheard”… “nobody riots unless they feel they are in a hopeless situation” …”the Boston Tea Party was a riot…” etc.etc.etc.
Some of their articles written this summer were quickly deleted…
Their viewpoint clearly boils down to “We don’t oppose rioting. We certainly don’t oppose rioters. We oppose rioting and rioters who riot for causes we don’t believe in”
is a poltiicians life worth more than anyone elses that it was a bigger deal than the summer riots of course it was the capital building what should they do protest in florida?
as well as deblasio, every time he was asked about the blm protests (vs the treat to the frum gatherings):
“Look, we are changing history here, (blah blah blah)…”