There is a lot of talk lately about Hillary Clinton.
Some of it is coming from her book tour, promoting her new book where she finds many reasons why she lost the election. Many reasons… But she doesn’t address the most obvious, like the fact that she was a weak candidate. And utilized poor strategy (or what seemed like none at all) in how she campaigned.
The rest of it is coming from outside of her camp, most of which is not complimentary.
There is the Uranium One deal, which is looking more and more like a major scandal. Although there were many agencies that signed off on it, the Clinton’s mysteriously received over a hundred million dollars for their foundation and Bill Clinton’s speaking fee in Russia doubled at the same time that it was being approved. All this while the company involved was being investigated by the FBI for money laundering, bribery and other charges and not disclosed to the parties approving the deal.
The email/personal server scandal is resurfacing yet again. This is particularly troublesome for her, as evidence is coming out that the investigation was not done in an impartial manner. James Comey was believed to be a straight shooter. However, we now know that at the time he was investigating, the Loretta Lynch told him to call the investigation a “matter” instead of investigation, which he did! And he clearly knew she did not want to indict Hillary. We are now finding out that earlier memos he wrote stated Hillary was “grossly negligent”, which is a violation of the law even if there was no criminal intent. That was changed to “extremely careless”, which Comey tried to explain needs criminal intent (even though extremely careless and grossly negligent are for all intents and purposes exchangeable). All this indicates that Comey never intended on prosecuting and was just trying to figure out how to get to that end.
There is also the famous dossier on Donald Trump, which we are discovering that the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded (not like their previous denials), which was full of lies and information taken from Russia sources (quite possibly originating from government sources). Along with questions on who paid for it and how was it disclosed.
There is also new revelations from Donna Brazile (long time democrat and interim chairperson of the DNC and friend of the Clintons) that the Clinton campaign allegedly signed an agreement back in 2015 with the DNC taking over many aspects of the organization. This lends credence to Bernie Sander’s allegations (and Donald Trump as well) that the primary was “rigged” in favor of Hillary.
I can go on and on. But that is not the point of this article.
The point of the article is to address what I’ve heard many times repeated over that the Trump justice department should not pursue any of Hillary’s shady dealings because it is not right for the winner of a political race to go after his opponent. That is done in third world countries.
However, in light of the breadth and scope of the many issues that the Clinton’s are and were involved in, there is no reason that they should get a free pass simply because Hillary ran for president.
If President Trump were stalking his opponent with a government agency (for example, using the IRS to target opponents with no apparent basis…), then that is a good argument.
However, with the Clintons, we are looking at potential wrongdoing in many areas, and we are looking at what looks like disdain for the law. We are looking at what looks like corruption that went all the way up to the White House!
We would be negligent and complicit in allowing this to go unchecked.
(TLS welcomes your opinions by sending them to [email protected])
Lock her up!!!
It’s about time she pays for her corruption.
She is a shame to all public offices!
Excellent article ??
Very well written and I totally agree with you! However, you can keep on dreaming…you see how this country is being run. The left have full control! They have the media in their pockets. Trump is trying to fight them, but they will ultimately win…they are just too powerful. Sad thing…:(
There’s a big difference in the going after opponents as in third world countries as there they’re usually the opposition so they can run again here hillary is never going to run again so now she is a nobody twice loser
With out a doubt!
Lock her up
She is probably guilty on some degree, but its funny that no one thinks that Trump should not be locked up and not because of Russia. Because of how he is still in charge of his companies and we as tax payers are paying for him to use his gold courses that he pockets. Conflict of interest to the upmost