Op-Ed: Muddy Waters in Jackson | Andy Richards

Lately, much has been said about the unethical and questionable alliances with the Jackson MUA and the NJ 12th District legislative office.

A source close to the Jackson MUA who has requested to remain anonymous has shed some light on the recent attempted backroom dealing inside the friends and family MUA fiefdom.

Several days ago, William Allmann who sought the high-paying Executive Director MUA position from the retiring David Harpell while still being a MUA commissioner was abruptly turned away. Allmann’s experience is shady. Few know that while being a Commissioner, Allmann owned and operated Sitton Septic, a Jackson-based company with lots of insider information on Planning and Zoning Board applications for both commercial and residential approvals. Just knowing this, stinks, (pun intended), and any reasonable-thinking person would see a conflict there and speak up against it.

For years this was given the okay from not only the Jackson Township MUA, but its professionals and Commissioners.

Now here’s where the muddy water appears.

For years, Allmann served as the Director of Constituent Affairs for the 12th Legislative District located in Plumsted Township. He served under former and now-deceased Assemblyman Ronald Dancer in that role before he conveniently and quietly handed this position off to Clara Glory, another MUA Commissioner with blinders on.

Over the years, quite a few of those who held MUA Commissioner seats were held and are still being held by former Mayors, Municipal Chairs, Club Presidents and their puppets. Paychecks, benefits and retirement packages for all, and all on the MUA rate payer’s backs.

Most recent news is the rejection of Clara Glory, now a former MUA hack but still a deal maker.

Glory has some explaining to do and as we dig into the NJ 12th District. Let’s begin.

Upon Assemblyman Dancer’s passing, Glory orchestrates and successfully hooks Alex Sauickie, a three-year Councilman from Jackson in what could only be seen as a back room maneuver to take on Dancer’s seat in the 12th District. What could be better for Glory, as she now serves as Director of Constituent Affairs who has even more far reaching access? While this is secretly going on, moves were made to place the right people on the MUA. For informational purposes, the Jackson Township Council are the ones responsible for handing away these coveted seats.

As we look further, Allmann was once the Jackson GOP Municipal Chair, now that seat belongs to Clara Glory, oops he did it again. Another hand off, one can only wonder the relationship, but why bother right, nothing to see here, move along.

As we do move along we noticed that we have family and friends on the MUA that are related to the 12th District Plumsted office.

Janet Longo, a longtime friend and Clara Glory supporter is a MUA Commissioner whose sister Kathryn McllHinney just happens to work under Glory in the 12th’s Plumsted office.

Former Jackson GOP Club President Todd Porter, another Glory yes man, is yet another Commissioner who sees nothing wrong. Then slowly and methodically we notice hand-picked and controllable assets are chosen to sit on the MUA guaranteeing that the yes votes add up to, yes you’re getting it now, big wins for the Allmann and Glory retirement funds.

Allmann, Glory, Porter, Longo, Wildman all supported Alex Sauickie for Assembly, who by the way, supported and voted for these MUA seats in the past as a Councilman. We find it troubling that Sauickie has absolutely nothing to say about Allmann, his business conflicts and apparent unethical attempt for a high-paying position. Not even a quip about Glory and her backroom MUA deals or the former Council that he served on knowing about all of this.

It seems to be, that if you are protected by the 12th District conflicts of interest, retirement pensions and paychecks are acceptable as long as their puppet gets elected to the Assembly.

The water in Jackson is by all means muddy and it runs uphill into the 12″ district assembly office in Plumsted.

We are not through by any means wading through these muddy waters.

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  1. Oh Please! I’ll take Jackson MUA over NJ American Water any day. Since I moved to Jackson my water bill is a third of what I paid in Lakewood!

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