Four old tennis courts at Pine Park will be getting a face lift, DPW’s Supervisor Tony Arrechi tells TLS. The courts, located in middle of the park, will be reconstructed and then striped and painted, bringing them up to par with the other courts in the park.
In May, the Township also opened four other courts at th entrance to the park.
Arrechi says the Township saves thousands of dollars by doing the work in-house, instead of outsourcing it.
The new tennis courts are expected to be open for September.
Great! What about the Paddleball Courts? The walls need a Facelift Too! Its not smooth enough..The balls ricochet of the wall(sometimes)….(Not to mention old graffiti)..
They will be next after the tennis courts.
How about a little more clean up around the Lake,esp.the South Lake Dr. path,littered with beer cans and Crack Envelopes. Seems like our Baseball Stadium is getting all the Attention from Public Works
I played on the NEW courts… They were obviously constructed very poorly and cheaply. thats the result of keeping it “in-house”. Tennis courts need to be done by an expert or its just a waste of space. Maybe the kids can ride their bikes there.
Hopefully the newer courts will be made professionally.
The basketball courts really need a face lift!
Thanks Tony!!! U the best!!
Uh oh!!! I better start playing better…I’ve been blaming the wall every time I pull the ball to far…
I wonder if Mr. Arrechi plays Tennis… the new courts may look nice from outside but it is extremely poor quality. In some spots there are clumps of asphalt pulled out from the surface. Just a shame and a waste.
to #7 – pls conact me at DPW 732.905.3504
Why not open a public pool open only to lakewood residents who in order to use must pay a fee to use. It would be a nice way to spend the day and also a way to generate money for lakewood.There’s no where for one to cool off in this town all the bodies of water are polluted messes just something to think about. Not everyone plays tennis
there is an old pool right in Pine Park which was a swim club, back in the 50’s, its still all there, Olympic size and all. maybe Tony can fix that for us to use.
Thats a great idea Phelps #11 I never knew that. Thats even better they have the building and old pool just take the time to fix it up.Im sure that would make alot of people happy and keep alot of kids off the street that are bored and get into trouble.
i think instead of fixing the paddleball courts they should put up new ones with lights so people can play at night
Im not sure why my comment was not posted.. Unless mr arrechi is the moderator and is sensitive to constructive criticism.
To Phelps:. Wow, that sparked a memory! I believed it was called the Cabana Club
I would love to see that graffiti cleaned off of the remaining building. It was a sad sight that last time I drove through. Perhaps we can figure a good use for that building. Keeping it occupied might deter it being damaged again.
I am not the moderator nor am I sensitive to criticism, I posted my contact phone # [entry # 9]. Please feel free to call me with your concerns.
Mr. Arrechi,
This is what I originally posted. I’m Not sure why it did not go thru the first time I tried posting it. It was also odd that my comment asking why it was not posted WAS in fact posted:
“Arrechi says the Township saves thousands of dollars by doing the work in-house, instead of outsourcing it.”
That is why the re-faced courts at the entrance of the park look like an amateur tennis make believe court. The nets are not of professional grade so they will probably last for just up to three years. (They are already sagging) I have been to many tennis courts in the country and I have never seen such a poor quality job of the paint and the outside of the lines finish. It almost looks like someone painted a green square in an old parking lot.
To sum it up these courts are great for kids and folks who don’t really play much. However anyone who “plays tennis” wouldn’t dare to play on these courts more than the first time. That is why I see Lakewood residents playing tennis in all the neighboring township courts. Yes the neighboring townships who “OUTSOURCED” the construction of public grade courts.
Some of ur comments have merit, but we had $$$ constraints to deal with. Please call to discuss before we do the rear courts.