The Ocean County Board of Commissioners today remembered Assemblyman
Ron Dancer, who served the people of Ocean County for nearly 40 years.
Dancer, a former Plumsted mayor, died Saturday at the age of 73.
“Ron Dancer was a dedicated public servant and a great friend to the Board of
Commissioners and to all Ocean County residents,” said John P. Kelly, Director of the Board.
“He will be greatly missed.”
Commissioner, Deputy Director, Virginia E. Haines worked closely with Dancer, who
was also a member of the Ocean County Natural Lands Trust Fund Advisory Committee and
county Board of Social Services.
“Ron Dancer dedicated his life to serve the people of Plumsted, Ocean County and the
state of New Jersey,” she said. “He worked passionately to preserve our farmland and open
space. He was also committed to helping the less fortunate in our state and county.”
Dancer served as mayor of Plumsted Township from 1990 to 2011.
He was first elected to the state Assembly in 2002.
Haines, who served in the Assembly prior to Dancer, said Dancer also championed
legislation supporting the state’s veterans.
“Ron Dancer always put people before politics and he was well-liked and well-respected
by members of both parties,” she said. “His loss is a loss to the entire state.”
Dancer had also served on the Ocean County Senior Citizens Advisory Board and the
Human Services Advisory Council.
The Board of Commissioners will observe a moment of silence in honor of Assemblyman
Dancer at its July 27 Pre-Board meeting.
Governor Phil Murphy announced that all flags in front of state building will fly at half-
staff today in honor of Assemblyman Dancer. All Ocean County flags will also be at half-staff.