PHOTOS: The Ocean County Health Department and the Long Beach Island Health Department held a conference titled “The Truth About Vaccines” at the Grunin Center at Ocean County College on Tuesday, June 23. Daniel Regenye, Ocean County Health Department (OCHD) Public Health Coordinator, said, “Conference attendees were faith-based leaders and day care directors and staff from Ocean County. It was important for the Health Department to discuss why immunization non-compliance is a health issue in Ocean County. Subjects addressed were:
•Vaccine preventable outbreaks in Ocean County
•Dispelling myths about vaccinations
•The benefits of a vaccinated population
•The role of clergy members addressing vaccination
Brunilda Price, OCHD Coordinator of Community Health Services, spoke about the newly published Ocean County Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) 2014-2018. She said, “Immunization Compliance is one of the prioritized issues identified in the CHIP. Over the past few years we have seen outbreaks of pertussis, mumps, chicken pox and measles. We are having this conference to not only address the issue of immunization compliance but to enhance access to vaccinations services in Ocean County, ensure that our preschools and childcare providers are educated about the importance of immunizations, and discuss enforcement of immunization requirements for childcare centers preschools and public schools.”
Speakers included Jennifer Crawford, Supervisor, OCHD Communicable Disease Unit, who spoke about communicable disease prevention, the Health Department’s role, school immunization audits, efficacy of vaccinations and how communicable diseases are spread.
Daniel Regenye commented, “Ms. Crawford did an excellent presentation on “herd immunity” to show that even though vaccinations are not 100% effective, the greater the number vaccinated, the less chance for spread of infection.”
Robert Morgan, MD, MPH, FAAP, addressed the many myths concerning vaccinations. His slide presentation discussed the actual facts about vaccination and touched on many subjects that frequently are discussed or considered “hot topics.” He discussed the safety of vaccines, that the laws regarding vaccinations for school are to protect everyone and every child, that vaccinations do NOT cause autism, and many other issues. He said, “One of the myths is that vaccinations cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). It was actually found out that infants and babies, who do not have the strength to move their heads and necks as children and adults do, can suffocate by lying on their stomach. Since we now recommend that all babies sleep on their backs, the rate of SIDS has been reduced tremendously.”
Reverend Marcia Griffin, RN, and a former home public health nurse at the OCHD, spoke how important it is for the clergy to keep their congregants informed of health issues, including vaccination. She said, “People look to their clergy person for guidance and health is one subject that is often discussed.”
The Ocean County Health Department reminds parents of children entering kindergarten in September that there are vaccinations due before the start of school. Also any child from 6 months old to 59 months, who attends a licensed daycare facility, will need to receive a flu shot between September 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015.
You can find a schedule of immunizations for babies and children, adolescents and adults by visiting the Ocean County Health Department website at
WHO ARE THEY TRYING TO FOOL!!!! children that are not vaccinated have stronger immune systems, vaccinated children are constantly at the Dr. vaccines are full of harmful chemicals and they don’t tell us about it. those who have an agenda should not be telling us if we should vaccinate or not. today with the internet its very easy to do your own research, as a responsible parent you should do your own research and decide. many gedolim including Reb (moderated)& Reb (moderated) have voiced there negative opinion about this. who should we follow da’ad torah or those making money on every vaccine sold????
Dear Wake up WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO FOOL!!!! Your petty hours spent on the internet researching vaccines is null compared to the professionals who spend years researching, you could find anything on the internet including that Israel knocked down the Twin towers. Why don’t you do what I did and talk to your grandparents I’m sure they will have lots of stories about friends and family who passed at a young age. B”H we are living better and longer then ever and its thanks to Hashem and him allowing vaccines to be invented. In the end all we have is Hashem and his doctors, who are providing us with longevity never dreamed of just a few short years ago. Get over it.
Ovarian cancer according to cdc kills over 14,000 American women annually
the Harvard med school has proven that childhood mumps creates an antibody that protects from this cancer
4million babies born in USA per year 2million girls almost .7% die from ovarian cancer because they received the MMR shot