Numerous vehicles burglarized overnight in Lakewood

Numerous vehicles were burglarized in Lakewood overnight, TLS has learned.

In one neighborhood alone, approximately 16 vehicles were burglarized.

It’s unknown at this time if any of the vehicles were left unlocked.

Last week, Police Chief Greg Meyer reminded residents to lock their vehicles in light of multiple vehicle thefts in Lakewood and Jackson.

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  1. Maybe I’m paranoid, yah, my car automatically locks 5 min after I close all doors. Has alarm. All from the factory. Came like that when I bought it, 15 years ago. I have a high res dashcam that I point inside set on collision. I have a high res motion detection camera on the house pointing to the driveway and street. In 15 years, BH, I never had a problem. I’ve seen burglars looking around and soon as they try to open the door, the car camera turns on and they quickly leave the area. It’s definitely worth it and pays for itself as it lowers my insurance. I never leave anything in the car worth stealing.

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