UPDATED: Lakewood Public School will be closed until November 5, District Superintendent Laura Winters tells TLS. Winters says only the High School and Clifton Avenue school are with power at this time.In addition to the lack of electricity, the decision to close the schools was to ensure the safety of the children as well as the other residents of Lakewood, Board President Carl Fink says, as Route 9 as well as numerous other streets in Lakewood are still without traffic lights and trees and wires are still down throughout the township.
Non-Public buses will run tomorrow. TLS.
Does that mean no bussing?
winter ‘04 The Indian Ocean tsunami
summer ‘05 Hurricane Katrina
[spring equinox ’11 japanese & pacific tsunami
late summer ’11 Hurricane Irene ]
fall ’12 Hurricane Sandy
It is creeping closer…..
I am glad you do, others don’t
to hey says:
October 31, 2012 at 2:26 pm
The bus tipping applies everyday, regardless of the driving conditions. Today, given the exceptional hazerdous conditions, In order to keep MY kids safe… I kept them home. Busing would have resulted in fewer cars on the road thus reducing the accident potential. I always put my kids safety first.
To #1- please read the article, there is a good chance you will find your answer there!!!!!
ok well I have to say that the community is really not very considerate to anyone but themselves. Thousands of people were affected by sandy. the governor still has us in a state of emergency and yet, You expect busing to school when no one else is going. Families are dealing with devastation right now. your bus driver’s families and you only think of yourselves and what you want. Im completely horrified by how inconsiderate you are.
Non-Public buses will run tomorrow but dose anyone stop and think of the Bus drivers who has family that still have no water or electric just as long as the Non-Public School are open when EVERY OTHER SCHOOL IN THE STATE IF NEW JERSEY ARE CLOSE TILL MONDAY….!!!!!
Thank you to the B.O.E. for this decision.It is an unprecedented one, this hasn’t happened in 35 years that I know of
Actually when #1 asked the Q. It didn’t state if there would be bussing or not, the article was updated later. So take a chill
I assume you have the same complaint to nj transit which is running tomorrow also. Or anyone working tomorrow. What is your obsession with just the boe drivers? Nj transit drivers don’t matter?
Don’t display your agenda so obviously
To # 8. Prior to us updating the article saying that there would be busing, we in fact had written in the article that it was not yet confirmed if there would be busing or not.
Articles read in full will usually answer all your questions.
Thank you.
I cant wait for election day so I dont vote for anyone who supported opening private schools during the recovery.
Once again Lakewood has failed in common sense
The boe did not make this decision. The Police Chief informed the transportation director the streets are passable.
The opening and closing of the non pubs do not fall under the jurisdiction of the BOE.
to #10: Well said!
yes we care about our community. Put your children on buses when there are no traffic lights and the bus driver’s think its a great idea to drive in the wrong direction on 88 with children in it to get them to school. YEAH WE REALLY CARE ABOUT OUR KIDS DON’T WE.
Consider the plight of the staff of the public schools. Many are without power, water, heat, etc. Some have lost everything. School is NOT the priority right now. What’s the rush? There are lives that need to be put back together.
Hope the superintendent has gas in the car! I don’t!!
it is sad that they dont think of all the other families all other schools are closed until mon. they think they are above everyone else my tax dollars have to pay not fair
How can you say you care about the kids when they let them get in a bus with downed wires all around and no street lights that is sad
Does Lakewood public schools have school on November 5?