NJ To Reimburse Some For Storm-Related Towing

all the way snow plowFollowing outrage about fees charged to motorists whose stranded cars were towed off snowbound highways in the aftermath of the post-Christmas blizzard, state officials announced Monday they will accept claims for reimbursement of “reasonable” towing costs. Also Monday a state legislator said the state Division of Consumer Affairs is looking into the hefty bills towing companies charged motorists who were forced to abandon their vehicles during the snowstorm. 

The state Department of Transportation said in a brief prepared statement that the state government will be accepting the claims from motorists whose vehicles — “due to circumstances beyond their control — were stranded on state highways and towed during the recent winter blizzard. Read more in APP.

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  1. “Due to circumstances beyond their control” What a joke. How about staying home??
    How about staying home, so Chaveirim members don’t have to risk their lives for 1600 reckless people?
    How about staying home, so DPW can plow the streets properly??

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