School spending in New Jersey increased an average of $1,003 per pupil last year, or a statewide average of almost 8 percent , according to the state’s annual School Report Card data released today. Average per child comparative costs in K-12 districts rose to $13,601 during the 2008-09 school year, compared to $12,598 the prior year, and $11,939 in 2006-07. The School Report Card data, released annually by the state Department of Education, also showed that statewide SAT scores continue to march upward.
The average SAT math score was 515 out of 800 last year, compared to 509 two years ago. Average verbal scores were 494 last year compared to 491 in 2006-07. The average writing portion score was 494, which is the same as last year, and an improvement over 489 in 2006-07.
The annual School Report Cards include reams of school information, from class size and length of school day to spending and standardized test scores for 2,500 schools statewide.
The Report Card data is available at the Department of Education’s website. Star Ledger
When will we wake up . the public schools are spending amost 14,000 per pupil . We are doing a double school day of Kodesh and Chol and we are collecting average tutions of 3,000 or so .At the current rate of growth our school age population is going to triple in the next 8 to 10 years to close to 35,000 to 40,000 kids . What is it going to take for us to realize that without a community wide funding for our Mosdos this system will not be able to sustain itself . either we will have to raise tuitions to a much higher level and create havoc with the average families ability to pay or we will have to create a source of funding paid for by the entire tzibur to subsidize the opening and running of schools . The current system of a few yechidim opening schools and shouldering the burden is not sustainable with the type of growth we are seeing and the economic climate we are in . WAKE UP PLEASE BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE
I know what everybody is going to jump and say . ” I pay 4,000 or I pay 5,000 etc etc . Im sure that is true but the majority of the parents pay a very reduced rate and there are unfortunately a growing number that promise toay but dont pay much because they lost jobs or just cant afford etc etc and sibling discounts .. All this makes the average COLLECTIONS pretty low
Its hard to argue with comment # 1 . Its interesting that the citizens of every state understand that schooling needs to be paid for by everybody and we tax every citizen for that regardless of whether he has children in school . Yet we as a kehila somwhow think that a user based tuition system is the right way . Do the citizens of the Us care more about education than we care about our childrens chinuch ? Lack of money is no excuse . we somehow find the money for everything else we need including nice homes ,cars ,summer homes summer camps ,trips to Israel nice weddings ,nice bar mitzvahs ,sheva brochos etc etc e
The first commenter makes a very rational and logical statement . Its a strong indictment of our present system and its interesting to hear an opposing opinion .
When you get a post about schools that dont knock the schools then yiu wont get too many comments . Its only when the commenters knock the schools that yiull get 200 comments .
Here somebody finally posts a serious comment about something that affects all of us and nobody cares to respond or comment . We only comment on the shtusim and narishkeiten ?
#6 its a subject thats painful and nobody likes to discuss it
What part of the subject is painful ? That we are too preoccupied with our lives to take care of funding our childrens chinuch ?
its true its very sad but thats why its painful we dont want to deal with it
Im shocked that we can be so callaous and uncaring not to deal with the most important thing in our lives ;our chuildrens chinuch .
Is there really nobody home . I cant believe that nobody cares