Police today are investigating the burglaries to multiple vehicle in the area of the Villas Development, which occurred some tome over night. The vehicles, most of them left unlocked, where ransacked and had electronics as well as change stolen from them.
No suspect information is available, but neighbors say they’re reviewing video surveilance in the area. TLS-HK.
i had my cell phone stolen last night from my car in the Villas
We had 2 cars ransacked Officer Zwick came to the house to gather the information, he was very kind, compassionate, and caring.
Thank you LPD for being there, even for the small stuff.
TLS What is the Villas????? Poor article. Again, residents use that silly little keyless entry to lock your doors. How many times do cars have to get broken into???? You don’t live in a bubble, stop acting like it.
You make it so easy for the thieves. Why don’t you just put a sign up with flashing neon lights directing them to unlocked cars, homes and so on? That’s all that’s missing for these thieves. Oh, yes, then complain that the cops aren’t there to protect you, that they prey on innocent people running red lights and stop signs and talking on the phone…..
Everywhere houses have garages excep Lkwd.
I don’t know where you are from but I’m from Brooklyn. We didn’t have garages there.
Were any locked cars broken into?
in lakewood we value people not cars
My car was gone thru last night and cash was stolen. I live in the Villas
My car was locked, so they smashed the window!
cleaning lady aquottance or stam thugs?
#8 ok so stop complaining about car break ins.
where is the villas development?
I have a sign on my car “Please take me” but no takers as of yet.
Many older homes or unattached homes have garages. I live in a bi-level with a garage, but I never park my car there. It’s used for storage.
I left $10,000 in my car and $15,000 in jewels. I left the door unlocked and hoped no one would take it. It’s been there for 5 days. When, oh when will they come to my neighborhood? I want to see if anyone wants it. Any takers? And by the way, my all my windows are left open all day and night and we leave the back porch lights on for their convenience. Please don’t smash the windows, you can walk right in.
My car is unlocked and booby trapped!
CASH WAS STOLOEN?Where have you been?Cars were being broken into in the villas for 4 months already,Why on earth would you leave cash in your car??????
There was also a house burglary in the Villas last night
Every house in the villas has a garage.
I live in the villas and I always lock my doors anywhere I go. I have a alarm system as well that will wake everyone up if my vehicle was broken in to. All 4 of my neighbor’s in my culdesac’s cars were broken in 2 and mine was not touched. People where are your brains??? Maybe it was the small sticker that says this vehicle equipped with alarm that deterred them from my car. We need to start a real neighborhood watch in the villas/brookhill area maybe 1 guy from each development can drive around together every night from 12am-6am? There are 72 houses in the villas and over double that in brookhill if each person can give 1 night 6 times a year we will be covered and being 2-3 guys in the car they are not bored driving around all night. This is the way a neighborhood watch program works and if they see someone who dosnt belong in the development at night they call the police to investigate. The lcsw is not a neighborhood watch and is a maybe a town watch but a neighborhood watch is much more effective at deterring and catching thief’s, and need’s to be started in different areas and developments in town asap to stop these robberies and people have to do the due diligent’s and lock there doors and windows at all times.
#19 where was the home burglary reported? was it a forced entry?
the Villas, twin oaks/ the old agway property on co.line road… well said yidneck…..lock all your doors, get motion sensor lights. and pray. Neighborhood watch is a great way to deter crime. Maybe Tony R. from public works can make,and put up signs saying neighborhood watch .