Mrs. Rivka Mincer A’H

We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Rivka Mincer, mother of Rabbis Yitzchok & Shlomie Mincer & Mrs. Rochel Taubenfeld (from Lakewood) and Mrs. Faigy Kasser (from Silver Springs, MD). Mrs. Mincer moved to Lakewood from Detroit over a decade ago. She was 88.

The Levaya will be taking place at 1:00 PM this afternoon at the Holocaust Memorial Chapel on 7th Street.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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  1. bd”e. i used to drive her home from the lakewood neshay group. she was always so appreciative and never let us leave her house without her giving us a bag of cookies that she baked. im going to miss her. yes, she was a bubby to us all.

  2. Shacharis tomorrow morning, Sunday will IY”H be at 8:30 at 196 Sunset Road, depending upon the arrival of the flight back from E”Y. More information will be posted as to the regular minyanim times. On behalf of the entire Mincer clan, I thank all of you for your interest. May we only share in Simchos together.

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