The O.C. Fire Marshal’s Office asked TLS to post the following notice: As Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot approach the Ocean County Fire Marshal’s Office would like to provide fire safety tips for the holidays and wish everyone a safe holiday time. Candles – Keep draperies and other combustible materials away and extinguish candle(s) when leaving the house. No candles should be used in succahs. Heaters –Especially during Sukkot no heaters should be used in the succah. Power – Do not overload outlets or run extension cords through doors or windows to the succahs.
Stoves/Cooking – Do not leave stove or ovens on for an extended period of time. Please keep the tops of stoves clear for proper airflow of the burners to work properly and reduce the potential buildup of Carbon Monoxide.
If at all possible keep all succahs away from buildings or purchase fire retardant succahs.
Check all batteries in Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors before the holidays start.