Mesivta of Eatontown launches Eretz Yisroel raffle

[COMMUNICATED] Something about it draws them in. Something about it draws them close. Something about it helps them rediscover the beauty and richness of the Derech Hatorah.

We are all aware that too many of our youth struggle with maintaining a strong commitment to yiddishkeit.

For the past 12 years, Mesivta of Eatontown has been there to embrace, inspire and transform these boys. Many children and teens find themselves with nowhere to turn, when they fail to thrive in the typical yeshiva setting.

Recently, this problem has become more widespread – and has become more obvious and clear to the Lakewood community. Mesivta of Eatontown is at the forefront of the fierce battle to effectively deal with this challenge. When Lakewood’s youths have nowhere to turn for direction, Mesivta of Eatontown embraces them and gives them the setting they desperately need – to grow and become!

The results are astounding, with the majority of our talmidim experiencing a complete transformation and becoming upstanding b’nei torah. Now, with our student body rising to nearly double what it was last year, we are turning to you and asking that you please take a stance. Be there for us. Be there for them. Partner with us in our vital work by offering your generous support.JUST $25 PER TICKET! ENTER HERE!



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  1. What a fabulous place, the love for each Talmud is real!!!!! By taking part in this raffle you will,be supporting a successful yeshiva one where nachas grows!

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