PHOTOS & VIDEO: Friday morning, the Township held its annual reorganization meeting, where Deputy Mayor Menashe Miller was sworn in as the Mayor for 2011. Deputy Mayor, is now former Mayor Steven Langert. Also sworn in, was newcomer Albert Akerman. The committee is now comprised of Menashe Miller, Steven Langert, Albert Akerman, Ray Coles and Meir Lichtenstien.
This is Menashe Miller’s first time being Mayor since joining the committee – together with Meir Lichtenstien – in 2002.
Photos by MOFOTO for TLS.
i want to wish you and the rest of the committe alot of hatzlocha We know its not easy to please everyone but we all see how hard you try to do whats best for all citizens of Lakewood
Congrats Menashe, glad your back.
M H for 2010
Congratulations Aizik, we’re waiting for the pictures!
Cant wait for election time!! Change is long overdue!
It’s time for term limits
6. i agree
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Term limits is the coward way of getting someone out of office. The accepted American way is vote him out of office – if u can’t then obviously people want him kept on. The first term in office generally a guy is just learning the ropes. It is 1st in his 2nd term that he is useful. Why turn him out when now he has the experience & the knowledge to be useful.
The limit should be 10 years. This way it is enough time to succeed, yet not become a career politician.
Go Shua. What emotion you put into the song!
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Definately TERM LIMITS
Congratulations Menash! Keep up your immense desire to help people out. Thats your key to success. You never make campaign promises, you speak a little and do a lot. Keep up the great work!
Urgent winter storm warning for shabbos 4 inches of snow
Congrads Mr Mayor,
You have got to be kidding me, this is news? They are just playing musical mayors like they have been doing for years. Who cares who is mayor?
Is that Ari Sussman holding the bible? What’s his shayechus?
Musical mayors indeed. Just a shuffling of the deck.
Will taxes go down. No
Will crime be taken more seriously. No
Put no trust in any of it.
Hevei ziherin birishus. Vhamayvin Yavin.
to number 19, in which part of lakewood is the most crime that concerns you?
And the beat goes on…
Mayor Meir; Mayor Miller…..
Enough already….we need a new form of government with all new people.
The same faces, year after year.
you should warn people that women appear on this sight
Ari Sussman for Mayor
15 what does snow have to do with this .
Along with the change I would like to see a woman on the committee. It would bring a healthy mix & fresh ideas thru a different perspective.
Dear Menashe,
May Hashem grant you the tremendous wisdom and patience you will surely need to navigate 2011. Remain humble, seek the truth, and rule with fairness. Hatzlocha Rabbah.
A True Friend
now his name is MMMM. Major Mayor Menash Miller!! thats better than Mayor Meir!
whose name was PPPPP
Physics Professor Pinchus Peretz Posen
If you have a video of shua kessin singing the anthem why isnt he in the post?