An ill member of our community currently bedridden in the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore was visited by a talented crew of Mekimi members this past week. Three dedicated Lakewood volunteers, R’ Elimelech Rubin (Director), Shlomie Ruzinski and Tzvi Saks made the time-consuming journey from New Jersey to Maryland to lift his spirits with lively singing, dancing and magic tricks. As the volunteers completed their visit, they were approached by an African American gentleman who introduced himself as the hospital’s Director of Security. He told them that the Nurses Station had notified him upon the volunteer’s arrival, unsure of what exactly Mekimi was. He immediately went upstairs to the hospital room to check out the situation himself and was amazed at how the Mekimi volunteers entertained the patient in such a beautiful, refined and joyous way. “In all my years at this hospital, I have never seen people as dedicated as you guys were to cheering up that sick patient,” he told them.
The Director of Security then handed the volunteer’s his business card and said he would very much appreciate if Mekimi would establish a weekly entertainment show at John Hopkins Hospital to benefit all the hospital’s Jewish patients.
Photos were not taken due to patient confidentialty and hospital policy.
Wow. What a kiddush hashem. I’m surprised Baltimore hasn’t come up with this chessed themselves. Leave it to Lakewood to show them the way. Keep up the good work Mekimi.
mekimi is takeh a nice organization but why shlep to baltimore arent there enough cholim here in lakewood to take care of?
Elimelech, you are the greatest, cheerer upper we have. You give up your own work time to do chesed, that’s amazing. What a role model you are.
To fan of eli,
There are alot of people in town who give up their time from work to do chesed, but nonetheless Rabbi Rubin is a very special person.
I saw mekimi perfoming once at jersey shore med center for a kid and they really know how to cheer up sick peoples. i hope ill never need them but its good to know that theyre around!!
Mekimi Rocks I have seen you guys around town cheering up ppl and wow amazing how orginized you are. I dont know him personally but I hear that Rabbi Eli Rubin Gets all the credit.
Elimelech, You are a tzadik….. keep up the good work……
Im a patient at home stuck in bed and Shlomie Ruzinski visits me every day and sits with me and keeps me company. I thank hashem everyday for sending me this angel who calls himself Shlomie Ruzinski
“As the volunteers completed their visit, they were approached by an African American gentleman who introduced himself as the hospital’s Director of Security.”
Patronize much?
Rubin you are the man!
who cares if he’s afro as long as he’s american
Just a note of thanks to Mekimi for being there for Lakewood’s cholim. Whenever there is an entertainment issue for local patients, Mekimi is always there. A special yashar koach to R’ Eli Rubin for running such a superb organization. May you see continued success!
Hey # 2, why dont you open ur eyes and read the headline??? they went to baltimore because a LAKEWOOD CHOLEH was there. Duh!
As a Lakewood parent with a child in John Hopkins, Yasher Koach.
whos the dude in the picture standing next to avraham fried? the next lipa shmeltzer wannabe?
Who funds them?? is it some kind of sham to get government funds and pay hefty salaries??
if mekimi brings lipa to lakewood to sing, will the rabbonim assur it??????
close your top button.
Keep up your good work!!!!!
Go Lakewood!
lets get Heshel to investigate mekimi!!
I play the piano, how can i join mekimi, is there a number to call or an email address?
it said Elimelech Rubin. not MI
mekimis phone # is in the directory, but i dont think they have an email. After all, this IS lakewood.
everyone is mistaken mikemi dose not do much home visits cheering up any more as u can ask any patients so when ever they do something they make a very big deal about it there is this wonderful organization misameach of lakewood which dose numerous house cheer up calls besides going to rwj regurlay so let them stop posting big articles and pics every time they do something the times u see them in the news are just about the only times they do any thing
Response to # 25: Before you start bashing a choshuve organization like Mekimi, why not brush up on your spelling skills so you can sound half-intelligent?
Mi kaamcha yisroel! Its amazing how many fabulous chesed organziations lakewood has. Just goes to show you that when your living in a town thats kuloi torah, good things happen.
i thought the misameach group started because mekimi didnt allow bochurim as members, only married men (just like hatzolah, lcsw shomrim doesnt etc.). but i thought they both got along because it was a mutual understanding…
Apparently, mekimi threw all the single guys out (because the rabbonim asked them to because they sometimes visit women in hospitals), so they then made their own breakway organization.
Adding to #26, commas and periods also help in discerning what you (#25) are trying to say.
wow wow they did something if the org would post evrytime they did something the site would crash keep up the good work once every few months a call
who runs mekimi and who runs misameach?
It’s Johns Hopkins not john hopkins
Whats wrong with single guys? they probably have more time then the married guys do. why discriminate?
Why do the rabbonim let mekimi give out dvds to yiddishe families? Its bringing treife elements into our homes!
Is the magician shimi illuzini part of mekimi or misameach? Ive seen pics of him with both.
Great work guys!
Single bochurim dont belong in organizations, they belong in yeshiva! While misameach volunteers obviously mean well, they should leave these things alone and let other older and more experienced family people deal with this.
Who decided to open up a new entertainment org? What was wrong with the job mekimi was doing? Do i smell politics?
Tizkah Lemitzvos!
Mekimi of lakewood’s kosher dvd library is the best thing for our children who re in need. Thank You Rabbi Elimelech Rubin for directing such a wonderful orginization.
to #38 “common sense” its a shame u have none
not all boys are cut out to learn a whole day- involvement in chesed is a great way to keep them off the streets
Mekimi was the original entertainment organization in lakewood and has done a fine job – lets keep it that way!
i am new to lakewood..what does mekimi do?
are they so busy doing chesed ..that they don’t work ?
wow i am really impressed with this job- how do i become a volunteer?
i am so impressed that mekimi can go and travel as far out to baltimore to cheer someone up..are these guys employed???
I know that he puts his whole life in 2 helping people it surly makes sense !!!!
Yes rudnitsky has a heart of GOLD!!! Keep up ur great work!!!G-D loves u!!!
Way to go Chaim!
yes bochurim should be invlolved in chesed, but not in delicate situations such as mekimi visits with seriously ill people, women and familys. tomchei shabbos needs help packing boxes every month, let the single guys from misameach be busy with that.
misameach has alot of married people they have over 100 VOL. more than half are married
what does mekimi do
go LIPA S go
lipa ignore seker ain lo raglayim its like a bhame after the shchita it still makes noise for a few minutes
Chaim! You are the best.
why only make happy the jewish patients?do not goyim need cheering as well?it would be a kiddush hashem if they cheered everyone together
I was in chop hospital when mekimi was there 4 a jewish boy & when they where done they went 2 a non jewish kid on that floor & entertained him to & made a huge kiddush hashem!!!
to 29- rudniki is single!!! so is saks!!! how can u sat that they only let married men. rubin is the ONLY married guy.
good morning mekimi. you finally do one call, u post it all over….
what who when is mekimi!?!?!? i know who misameach is and they do great work!!!!!
mekimi does great work, i know from firsthand experience! from what i hear most mekimi guys are married and the 2 or 3 single guys can only go along w a married guy. and dont forget, mekimi also throws a major bbq concert every summer together with chai lifleline for ALL of lakewoods cholim! thank you mekimi!
Btw mekimi of lkwd and mekimi of ny are 2 TOTAL different things
mekimi of ny aRE not affiliated……
mekimi has 4 members…..
Actually, mekimi has about 40 members… and if you look on the main mekimi website, youll see that NY and NJ mekimis are affiliated. Please dont spread false information about a solid organization like mekimi, just to further your own agenda.
i spoke to the heads of ny mekimi, and they said they have NOTHING to do with them…
illuzini is part of misameach… SR just crashed the party uninvited